Dear AskUs Anything,
I have a few questions on the
subject of THE ILLAGER! Hopefully
you can answer them. Here they ar e:
Will villagers trade sh ield s?
Will you be able to spawn
ravagers with spawn eggs?
Do villagersgive yo u diamonds?
Will wandering traders come to
Bedroc k Edition?
- Can evokers spawn other
things too?
Can nitwit villagersfarm?
What are the bosses in Minecraft?
Patrick, Age 8
Hey Patrick! We
love a themed set
of questions, so
let’s answer them...
YES! Journeyman-
level armo urers
will be able to sell
you a shield for
five emeralds.
Probably! But not
until the Village and Pi llage
updates are complete.
Surprisingly not, although in the
latest version of the game the
trading system allows you to sell
diamon ds tovillagers in exchange
for emeralds, so they might make
the opposite possible later on!
Definitely! And hopefully soon.
At the moment, they can only
spawn vexes. But who knows what
change s will be made to their
behaviour in the future?
Nitwit villagers can’t do anything!
They don’t farm, they don’t trade
and, unlike generic villagers, they
can’t even take on a profession
if there’s one unfilled.
There’s a reason
they’r e nicknamed the
village idiots!
Right now, there are
three bosses: the ender
dragon, the wither and
the elder guardian. The
ender dragon is the
“true” boss of the game,
though – that ’s why
there’s only one!
Thanks Patrick!
Shields are
now tradeable!
Don’t expect any
help fromthis nitwit