Village raids nowincorporate lots of
extra illagers, and during attacks they’ll
go from doorto doorattempting to kill
villagers. The villagers will try to warn
one an other, and if you help to defeat
a raid they’ll set off fireworks and give
you gifts related to their pr ofession.
When raids are active, villagers will
sweat to show they’re scared!
As before, raids aretriggered by the
Bad Omen status effect obtained by
killing illager captains, although you can
now getup to five levels of the effect.
Raids are
getting tougher!
Every redesigned village features a bell,
but initially they were purely decorative,
emitting a loud clang when struck and
having no actual effect. Now when ru ng
during a raid, they apply the Glowing
effect to any illagers within a 32-block
radi us and cause all villagers to run to
their ho uses to safety.
The Glowing effect puts an
outline aroundillagers that’s visi ble
even through walls, helpin g you
to kill them. Also , as the villagers
all run to safety to avoid being
attacked, it’s easier to end the raid
and receive the Hero of the Village
status effect. Speaking of which...
So run for the
nearest bell!
R id