We’ve bu ilt ourtemple out of quar tz and
sandstone to give it a polished but ancient
look. If you want yours to be more modern,
try using stone br icks. Quartz pillars look
great, though, andlet’s face it, it’s hard to
find anexcuse to use them!
Note that the carved versions of
sandstone have images of a creeper face
and the wither on them, so use these in
your temple to give it a spooky feeling.
We built ourtemple on a rais ed platfo rm,
but you could instead make it a large
courtyard or an enclosed room.
Inside, we’ve placed a chest to leave
offerings in, together with animage of the
being we want to please.
Weput ours on a
raised platform
Here’s where we
leave our offerings!
Publishedby Dennis PublishingLtd.
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Editor:Simon Brew
ProductionEditor:Rachel Storry
Contributors:Kirsten Howard, James Hunt, John Moore
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Why not build analtar to leave offerings on
instead of a chest? In the distant pa st, they
would sacrifice live an imals, so you could lure
some there to make it partof your ritual too!
Alternatively, why not build statues or
sculptures of whatever you’re worshipping?
A model of the wither? An image of a giant
chicken? It’s up to you what your deity looks
like – just don’t forget to keep them happy...
If you’ve got mu ltiple pl ayers in your world,
try to hold a mass gathering in your temple.
That’s what they’re for, after all!