2020-03-01 Ivy League Enjoy English

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Extra Words & Phrases

Ź aerobics [ E`robIks ] n.

instructor [ In`strVktK ] n.

Latin [ `lAtN ] a.

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Words & Phrases

  1. fitness [

] n.

Eric is trying to improve his fitness by jogging.



] n.

The latest marketing trend is to advertise

products through social media.

advertise [

] vt.

  1. in poverty

poverty [

] n.

The closure of the factory brought poverty to

this town.

closure [

] n.

  1. take on... / take...on

Cynthia felt tired because she took on too

much work.

  1. adjust [

] vt.

The chair was too high, so I needed to adjust it.

  1. absolutely [ :AbsJ`lutlI ] adv.

Michael is very experienced, so he is

absolutely the right person for the job.

  1. pace [ pes ] n.

John can t stand it when people in front of him

walk at a snail s pace.

at a snail s pace

  1. found [

] vt. found,

founded, founded

The man founded a clinic

that treats patients with

no health insurance.

Tips in Use


  1. word

Has there been any word from George since

he moved to Paris?

  1. word

have a word with sb


word with you.

  1. word

have words with sb

The couple often have words with each other

over trivial matters.

  1. word

a man / woman of his / her word

keep sb
s word

Chris is a man of his word. If he says he ll do

something, he will.

I ll keep my word and take my family on a trip

to Hawaii.

Josh _____ an organization to help stray


Edward took the clock off the wall to ____ the


Sharon lives __, but she is satisfied

with her life.

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