2020-03-01 Ivy League Enjoy English

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

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Words & Phrases

  1. make a name for oneself

The young actress is now making a name for

herself in the film industry.

  1. accomplished [ J`kamplISt ] a.

At the age of 15, Sandy was already an

accomplished pianist.

pianist [

] n.

  1. echo [

] vt. & vi.

Ted s bold comment on this subject echoed

the opinion of the majority of his coworkers.

comment [

] n.

  1. star [ star ] vt.

Starring Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver,

Marriage Story was a well-received film.

  1. turn sb off

I love green vegetables now, but they used to

turn me off when I was a kid.

  1. sb s attempt at sth

Margot s successful attempt at going back to

school was really inspiring.

  1. match up

I had doubts about what Jack told me because

some of the details did not match up.

  1. celebrated [

] a.

Robert Frost was a celebrated New England


Tips in Use

a great deal of...

I spent a great deal of time correcting this paper.

a few

several many

a large / small number of

Jim has few / a few friends.

Only a small number of students passed the test.

a little

a large / small amount of

I have little money with me right now.

It takes a little timeWR¿[WKDWPDFKLQH

A large amount of money was stolen from the


some a lot of / lots of

plenty of

Amy has a lot of / lots of coins in her purse.

There is plenty of food and drinks at the party.

Which of the following is true?

(A) The film One Day features Meryl Streep.

(B) The film One Day received only great reviews.

(C) Anne Hathaway speaks with a perfect Yorkshire


(D) Fans of One Day preferred the book version to

the film adaptation.

Which of the following has the closest meaning to

the word



(A) Unknown. (B) Well-known.

(C) Strange. (D) Official.

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