2020-03-01 Ivy League Enjoy English

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

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Extra Words & Phrases

take note of...

Ź timeline [

] n.

Ź lead [

] n.

Words & Phrases

  1. investigate [ In`vEstJ:get ] vt.

The police are making efforts to investigate the


  1. keep track of...

Ernie watches the news every day to keep

track of current events.

  1. examine [

] vt.

Teddy examined the bike carefully and then

decided to buy it.

  1. evidence [

] n.

Our business rival said they had evidence

against us and threatened to go public.

rival [

] n.

  1. shed / cast / throw light on...

I believe Dr. Black can help shed light on this

rare disease of yours.

  1. clue [

] n.

I have no idea what the answer to the riddle is.

Can you please give me a clue?

riddle [

] n.

  1. tough [

] a.

We all admire our manager because he is able

to handle tough problems.

  1. a good chance

a slim chance

Jim has a good chance of winning the contest.

The company has a slim chance of earning a

profit this year.

Tips in Use

Understanding what and when things happened

will shed light on the mystery you re trying to


Understanding what and when things


  1. what and when things happened

what happened

when things happened



Who could have revealed my secrets to Jake

really puzzled me.

An iPhone is what Ian wants for his birthday.

re trying to solve

which that the


If it had not been for the (glue / clue / value), the

police could not have solved the case.

Dr. Lee was sent to (translate / communicate /

investigate) the murder.

When caught in a (tough / through / enough)

situation, Brad tends to laugh nervously.

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