2020-03-01 Ivy League Enjoy English

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Extra Words & Phrases

agency [ `edjJnsI ] n.

word [ wRd ] n.

fax [ fAks ] vt.

Words & Phrases

  1. look over... / look...over

Remember to look your report over before you

give it to the teacher.

  1. motivated [

] a.

motivate [

] vt.

It is important to stay motivated when it comes

to learning a new language.

The teacher motivated his students to be more

active in class.

  1. rely on...

I don t think you can rely on someone who has

a habit of lying.

  1. stand by...

The company stood by the decision to improve

the welfare of its employees.

welfare [ `wEl"fEr ] n.

  1. bring...down / bring down...

We aim to bring down prices on all our products.

  1. immediately [

] adv.

Tom left immediately after his wife called him.

  1. talk shop

The people in that company always talk shop,

even on the weekends.

  1. stick with...

Successful people are those who have always

stuck with their ideals.

Jonathan is looking for you. Please give him a call


Ben has to ____ notes a lot because he

is rather forgetful.

Make sure you ____ the car before you

decide to buy it.

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