2020-03-01 Ivy League Enjoy English

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Extra Words & Phrases

selfie [ `sel:fi ] n.

tragedy [ `trAdjJdI ] n.

work of art

in compensation

compensation [

] n.

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Words & Phrases

  1. definitely [ `dEfJnItlI ] adv.

That red dress will definitely make you stand

out at the party.

  1. valuable [

] a.

The ring Lisa got from her mother was valuable

to her.

  1. spot [ spat ]


As soon as the child spotted the dog, she

screamed in fear.

  1. snap [ snAp ] vt.

During our visit to the Eiffel Tower, Lucy

snapped over 100 pictures.

  1. pose [

] n. & vi.

The dancers all struck poses for the camera.

strike a pose

The couple posed for wedding photographs.

  1. lose sb s balance

Angel lost her balance and fell down the stairs.

  1. knock over... / knock...over

Mark knocked his coffee over by accident.

  1. pale [

] a.

Brad went pale as if he had seen a ghost.

Tips in Use

The moment + S + V, S + V

= The minute + S + V, S + V

= The instant + S + V, S + V

= As soon as + S + V, S + V

= Once + S + V, S + V

The moment the singer appeared on stage, the

fans started to scream.

Mary opened her umbrella as soon as the rain


The instant the bell rang, the students rushed

out of the classroom.

As soon as I arrive at the airport, I
ll call you.

This is the most ____ piece in the store.

After working non-stop for six hours, we all

____ needed a break.

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