2020-03-01 Ivy League Enjoy English

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

a. be forced to V

: I don
t like to be forced to do anything

against my will.

b. limit [ lImIt ] vt.

: We must limit our spending in order to

save money.

c. electricity [

] n.

d. demand [ dI`mAnd ] n.

During the summertime, electricity

shortages regularly force Taiwan power plants to

restrict electricity.

If everyone gets into the habit of

conserving energy, this situation will

change completely.

If + S + , S + will / may / can /

should / shall / must / ought to +





If I have time, I will go to your party.

a. get into the habit of V-ing

= form the habit of V-ing

: Gary has gotten into the habit of taking a

walk after dinner.

b. conserve [ kJn`sRv ] vt.

: Scientists are trying to find new ways to

conserve energy.

The problem can be fixed in no

time if most of us could form the habit of saving


a. highlight [ `hZI:lZIt ] vt.

: The spelling mistakes in your passage

have been highlighted in yellow.

b. key point

c. make / take notes

: You should take notes during each class.

d. margin [ `mardjIn ] n.

Some students tend to mark

important parts and take notes in the margins of the

book s pages when reading them.

Health-conscious gourmets like to eat

kangaroo meat because it is low in fat

and rich in protein.

be low in...

be rich / high in...


These cookies are low in sugar and fat.


Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C.

a. health-conscious [ `hElH:kanSJs ] a.

: Henry
s so health-conscious that he now

eats only organic food.

b. gourmet [ `gUrme ] n.

c. protein [ `protin ] n.

Kangaroo meat is popular with

foodies who are health-conscious since it is high in

protein but low in fat.

Power stations in Taiwan are often forced

to limit the supply of electricity because

the demand is too great in the summer.

  1. as of...

  2. Roger
    get into the habit of...


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