Some 15,000 subscribers mean Scorpy’s
channel is offto a great start, especially
since it only launched in February. Of
courseit’s full of the latest Noob Vs. Pro
videos, as well as Noob Vs. Hacker, Noob
Vs. God,Noob Vs. Pro Vs. Hacker videos
and more variants besides! There’s a
tonne of great superhero content, like
Batman, The Flash andCaptain Marvel,
but alsoHarry Potter, zombie and
villager-themedvideos. The sun ba se and
mars videos are amazing for space travel
fans too! None of the clips are very long,
so you should be able to breeze through
the whole channel in a coupleof hours.
And with newcontent being added every
day, you won’t have to wait long for fresh
stuff either!
If your prefer a slower and more
instructive Minecraft video, Pixlriff s is
a safe bet, as their channel is full of
hints, tips and building guides, some
of which are really deta iled. Want
to master Survival mo de? This is a
fantastic place to start – andthat’s
not all they do, because there are
alsoskyblock mods, cobble clicker
mods and build ba ttle videos to take
in. We love the ho w-to videos, andif
you’re a fan of this magazine we’re
sure you will too!
So there you have it! No fewer than
eight of our favourite YouTubers.
If you’ve got an y
we’ve missed, why
not send them into
the letters page
so we can have a
look too?!