Dear AskUs Anything,
I'd like to know some
things about Minecraft so
I'm going to ask you a few
1) Can you help me on
how to use the/bossbar
2) Can one summon a
wither storm?
3) How do you put chest s
on ll amas?
4) Can one summon
Thanks so much!
Jamie, Age 9
Hey Jamie! Those are some pretty
advanced questions. Our favourite
kind, of course!
Ooh, the Bossbar comman d is pretty
complicated, but here’s the basic
usage. First, you need to summon a
mob and give it a custom ID (we’re
using “bob”), so for example:
/summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~1 ~
{PersistenceRequ ired:1,Name:”bob”,H
Then you need to create a bossbar
targeted at that ID and give it a name:
/bossbar add minecraft:bob “Bob Bar”
And fi nally, run the command that will show
it to all pl ayers:
/bossbar set minecraft:bob players @a
This is only the start of maki ng a working
bossbar, but maybe we’ll do a lo nger guide
if you can’t fi gure out where to go next!
Nope! Sorry, the wither storm exists only in
Story Mode.
You have to tame a llam a (click on it
with an empty hand and keep riding it
until it stops throwing you off) then, when
it’s tame, open the inventory while you’re
on its back. You’ll be able to drop a
chest and a piece of carpet on it.
Nope. No-one can!
Add a bossbar!
A chest and carpet
tile ona llama