As usual, our fi nal pages are reserved for
quickfi re questions. Sorry if we didn’t print your
whole letter – we do read them all!
Will there be a glass fence in
Minecraft? – Noah
As always, with Minecraft we
never want to say NEVER –
but at th e moment there are
no plans for adding glass
fenc es that we’re aware of.
You COULD just use panes
of glass (crafted from glass
blocks), th ough – line them
up two blocks high and they’ll
look almost exactly like a
glass fenc e. Just because
something isn’t in the game,
it doesn’t mean you can’t try
doing your own version!
How do you get command
blocks on PlayStation 3
Edition – Ian
Sadly, comman d blocks
are unavai labl e on the
Legacy Console Edition
found on the PlayStation
3, and for that matter all
other console versions.
Comman d blocks are only
found in the Ja va Edition
and the Bedrock Edition on mobiles/tablets/
Windows 10. Sorry we don’t have better news –
they’ll probably never be avai labl e on consoles!
Will there ever bean update that means bread can
be smelted into to ast in the furnace? – Jacob
It’s certainly an idea! Although we have to
wonder what toast woul d do diff eren tly to bread.
Still, the upcoming Village & Pi llage update, when
it’s complete, will have a list of ch ange s made
to crafting including the introduction of a new
cooking system – so it COULD happen that the
new version le ts you toastbread.
Glass panes could be
used as a fence
Furnaces are used
for cooking for now...