The newest potion is the
Potion of Decay, which is
only available in the Legacy
Console, Bedrock and
Nintendo3DS Editions. Sorry
Java players, this is one time
you DON’T have the latest
content lined up!
The Potion of Decay has just
one effect level: it blacks out the
health meter of a player who’s
affected by it, andat full strength
(e.g. if th e player drinks it) it wi ll
remove one point of health every
second across 40seconds, infl icting
20 hearts worth of damage!
This makes the potion extremely
dangerous and, while its effects are
weakened if it ’s delivered by a tipped
arrow or splashpotion, it’s still capable
of sending an unprepared player to an
early date with their last spawn point!
The Potion of Decay is almost
impossible to get withoutcheating,
although there is ONE way... witch
cauldrons! Found in witch huts, these
cauldrons contain a random potion
and can therefore be fi lled with a
Potion of Decay, which you can then
transfer into empty glass bottles –
assuming you get pa st the witch, of
course!You can fi ll three glass bottles
before a cauldron is empty, so don’t
leave home without them!
oo o l
Potion of Decayin
a witch cauldron
The Potion of Decay
infl icts the Wither