If you were despairing
aboutthe Potion
of Decay being
unavail able on the
Java Edition, here’s
your antidote
(although not
literally!). The Potion
of Luck is only
available on the Java
and Legacy Console
Editions – andeven
then not very widely.
The Potion of Luck
can’t be crafted, but it can
be sele cted from the Creative Mode
inventory. When used, it incr eases
the player’s “luc k” attribut e by one
point for fi ve minutes. This doesn’t
necessarily do anything visi ble, butit
means any treasure chests generated/
opened during the window of effect
are more likely to contain rare items.
Of course , you’ll never know what
they would have had before, so it’s
hard to te st!
Remember, you can cure the effect of
any potion (good or bad!) by drinking a
bucket of milk.
All witches carry potions, and if
they die while drinking one they’ll
drop it for you to collect! You can
get a Potion of Healing, Potion of
Fire Resistance,Potion of Swiftn ess
and Potion of Water Breathing
this way.
Half of all igloos have basements,
and in all igloo ba sements you can
fi nd asplashPotion of Weakness.
Ships in End cities all contain two
Instant Health II potions!
An awkward potion, which is
Nether wart brewed into a water
bottle, has no effect on its own.
However, you ne ed it to make
almost all types of brewable
potion! The only useful potion you
can make without fi rst making
an awkward potion is a Potion
of Weakness.
Luck improves
chest loot - but not
Milk cures
all effects