
(Joyce) #1

60 Business Spotlight 3/2020 LANGUAGE



lthough we may not realize it, visualization
technology is all around us. It influences,
eases and enhances many aspects of our every-
day lives. These days, we take for granted the
constantly increasing number of applications
that visualization has in business, science,
education, engineering, medicine, gaming, movies,
analytics, town planning, security, crime scene and
facial reconstruction, and so on.
Visualization enables us to see the unseen —
atoms and molecules, weather patterns and bone
density, for example. It allows us to move through
virtual worlds in real time. It can highlight the poten-
tial effects of major events and road closures, and it
is an integral part of many software programs we use
every day, such as Microsoft Word and Excel.
In today’s world of “big data”, we use visualization
tools and technologies to analyse massive amounts
of information. These analyses help us to make im-
portant and complicated data-driven decisions.
Product visualization algorithms play an impor-
tant part in modern-day manufacturing. They are
used to test the feasibility of new products and de-
signs and to optimize production and marketing
processes. In the automotive industry, for example,
a virtual wind tunnel can visualize air flow and tur-
bulence to test the aerodynamics of a new car, thus
enabling manufacturers to improve their designs
before the expensive manufacturing process begins.
Visualization enables us to do exciting and infor-
mative things — interactive explanations and anima-
tions have made museums a lot more interesting. We
can walk among dinosaurs, see what our ancestors
looked like, watch what happens inside a volcano
and observe how environmental changes are likely
to impact our future.
Most visualization algorithms are created in
the few universities that have the necessary pow-
erful hardware and intellectual know-how. De-
velopers decide how best to extract abstract data,
change its parameters and turn it into something

non-visualization experts are able to see and compre-
hend. The results may take the form of interactive 3D
data, images, videos or time-based simulations that
provide the end user with easy access to information
they would not be able to see or use without visuali-
zation. For interactive visualizations, the developers’
goal is to produce an application that can be used in
real time. This means that the application has to be
rendered at 30 to 60 frames per second. Universities
also produce open-source algorithms that form the
basis of visualization applications used in business.
The gaming industry is one of the few industries
that employs its own engine developers. Their job is
to develop visualization tools and software that are
then used by artists to create photorealistic scenes
with lighting and shadows computed to look as ac-
curate as the current technology allows. They also
create lifelike character animation for games.

ancestor [(ÄnsestE]
, Vorfahr(in)
comprehend sth.
, etw. verstehen
density [(densEti]
, Dichte
ease sth. [i:z]
, etw. erleichtern
engine [(endZIn]
, hier: Steuerelement
zur visuellen Darstellung
, Technik
enhance sth. [In(hA:ns]
, etw. verbessern
extract sth. [Ik(strÄkt]
, etw. gewinnen
feasibility [)fi:zE(bIlEti]
, Realisierbarkeit,
frame [freIm]
, hier: Einzelbild, Frame
pattern [(pÄt&n]
, Muster
render sth. [(rendE]
, etw. erbringen;
hier: (Bilder aus Rohdaten)
take sth. for granted
[)teIk fE (grA:ntId]
, etw. als selbstverständ-
lich erachten
thus [DVs]
, auf diese Weise

Exercise: Visualization collocations A

Use the words below to complete the colloca-
tions with the word “visual”.

aids | arts | dictionary | perception | warnings

A. A visual is a book or app that
uses pictures to show the meaning of words.
B. The visual include paint-
ing, drawing, sculpture, photography, film-
making and architecture.
C. Visual is the brain’s ability to
make sense of what the eyes see.
D. Visual include graphs and
video clips that are used in a presentation.
E. Visual such as lights and signs
can reduce accidents in the workplace.


Fortschrittliche Visualisierungstechniken bringen abstrakte
Daten und Zusammenhänge in eine visuell erfassbare
Form und machen Unsichtbares sichtbar. Wichtige Begriffe
zu diesem Thema finden Sie auf diesen beiden Seiten.


Exercise: Visualization






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