74 Business Spotlight 3/2020 CAREERS & MANAGEMENT
Illustration: Minho Jung; Foto: privat
Mentoring Pocketbook, Geof Alred and Robert Garvey
(Management Pocketbooks)
One Minute Mentoring, Ken Blanchard and Claire Diaz-Ortiz
(Harper Thorsons)
Mentors: How to Help and Be Helped, Russell Brand (Bluebird)
Everyone Needs a Mentor, David Clutterbuck (CIPD Books)
Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice, Robert Garvey,
David Megginson and Paul Stokes (SAGE Publications)
Mentoring in Action: A Practical Guide for Managers, David
Megginson and David Clutterbuck (Kogan Page)
The Mentoring Manual: Your Step by Step Guide to Being a
Better Mentor, Julie Starr (Pearson Business)
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development:
European Mentoring & Coaching Council:
Institute of Leadership & Management: http://www.i-l-m.com
International Mentoring Association:
The Coaching & Mentoring Network: http://www.ukcoaching.org
David Clutterbuck Partnership:
For the names of hundreds of mentors and mentees in
professional life, film and fiction:
STEVE FLINDERS is a freelance writer, trainer and
coach based in Malta. He writes regularly about
business communication, and provides language,
international communication and leadership
training. He has an Institute of Leadership and
Management level 7 diploma in executive coaching
and mentoring.
agony aunt
[(ÄgEni A:nt]
UK ifml.
, Kummer-
, Beurteilung
attachment (to)
, hier: Fixierung (auf)
bleak [bli:k]
, düster
, Umstand, Situation
dismiss sb.
, jmdn. abqualifizieren
frank [frÄNk]
, offen
greenhouse gas
[(gri:nhaUs )gÄs]
, Treibhausgas
inherit sth.
, etw. erben
mindful: be ~ of sth.
, sich etw. bewusst
miracle cure
[)mIrEk&l (kjUE]
, Wundermittel
, Ergebnis
quote sb.
, jmdn. zitieren
rekindle sth.
, etw. wieder
, Rettung
tackle sth.
, etw. angehen
vested interest
[)vestId (IntrEst]
, persönliches/
eigenes Interesse
zero net emissions
[)zIErEU net
, Netto-Null-Emis-
Mentoring and climate change
In November 2019, the United Nations described the future as “bleak”, after
a report showed greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at their highest-ever
levels. We know that every commercial and industrial sector needs to in-
itiate a process of deep transformation to get to zero net emissions. And
yet there is little evidence that businesses, particularly those with a vested
interest in the status quo, are taking the urgent action needed.
To change how companies operate, we could make two-way mentoring
an integral part of the culture of every workplace. It is the young who can
see most clearly what kind of world they will inherit if it is two or more de-
grees warmer than today, and therefore it is the young whose voice should
be heard in the reshaping of our whole business environment. Upward
mentoring on the climate emergency in every business organization would
help to change things.
“My mentor was never one to dismiss
a student as being untalented or
unworthy of his attention or respect.
Despite his reputation for being
very frank in his assessments, he
was really respectful of the process
people go through to become real
artists, or to get closer to their vision”
Chris Buck, New York-based
photographer about his photography
teacher and mentor
“Mentoring has helped with a lot of
things. It’s given me the ability to
open up to others, helped me to make
new friends and given me confidence”
A young person in Bradford,
England, on the “Youth in Mind”
project supported by Yorkshire
“A mentor is not an agony aunt or a
miracle cure for all problems. We are
simply people who have probably
experienced similar situations in
the past. We can therefore help the
individual to find the best way to
tackle the issue themselves”
Helen Martin, BP Chemicals, quoted
by David Clutterbuck in Everyone
Needs a Mentor
“If I could go back and tell the
20-year-old version of me one thing,
it would be, ‘Get a mentor’”
Jon Acuff, American author, quoted
by Ken Blanchard and Claire Diaz-
Ortiz in One Minute Mentoring
“My mentor taught me that I can
choose how I feel in response to
any circumstances, and how to be
mindful of my behaviours in the face
of everyday events. I learned that our
attachment to outcomes causes so
many problems, and that integrity is
more important than achievement”
John Akehurst, former CEO,
Woodside Petroleum, Australia
Concluding thoughts
We are all on a lifelong journey of self-discovery
that should be exciting and involving. If yours isn’t,
a mentor could help you rekindle that flame and em-
power your life. You can also gain enormous satisfac-
tion from sharing in and supporting someone else’s
journey. And we can both mentor and be mentored at
the same time, aiming to unlock potential.
So, let’s take the title of David Clutterbuck’s book
as almost our final word: Everyone Needs a Mentor —
and everyone needs to be mentored. Mentoring may
not save the world on its own, but it could play a big
part in our personal and collective salvation.