Phrase Bank
For a list of all the key phrases used
in the dialogues, see pages 12–13
amazing ifml.
, fantastisch
roll: be on a ~ ifml.
, erfolgreich sein
, unwohl
- The law
Cath: As long as everyone accepts
cookies, we’re on a roll!
Tom: Cookies help us to gain in-
sights into browser history and
recent browser sessions. What’s
more, social-media platforms have
amazing viewership metrics and
data on social shares.
Gitti: All this talk of data-driven
marketing and SMA makes me a
little uneasy.
Tom: Look, most people are fine
with us using their data if they get
content that is useful to them and
their interests.
Cath: I get it, I do. But what about
the legal aspects?
8. Cookies and sign-ups
Tom: Compliance with GDPR is
key. There are serious legal con-
sequences for non-compliance,
even for companies based outside
the EU. You need to inform people
about what you do. Take a look at
our examples.
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based... , mit Sitz ...
, Übereinstimmung
consent (to sth.)
, (etw.) zustimmen
miss out on sth.
, etw. verpassen
, Datenschutz;
unsubscribe sth.
, sich (von etw.)
The SiTuaTion:
Tom provides some impor-
tant legal advice.