
(Amit KumaranZ9-e) #1
Copyright © Swun Math Grade 8 Unit 1 Lesson 8 P TE

Challenge Problems

Directions: Place the numbers on a number line. Then compare using an inequality.

  1. 42 ,√ 289 , 7^2 ,√ 361 , 5.5^2 ,√ 307

42 <√ 289 <√ 307 <√ 361 < 5.5^2 < 7^2

  1. 62 ,√ 529 , 3^2 ,√ 729 ,휋휋^2 ,√ 631

32 <휋휋^2 <√ 529 <√ 631 <√ 729 < 6^2

Extension Activity
* MP1: Make sense of the problem and persevere in solving it.
* MP6: Attend to precision.

Directions: Using the digits 0-9, fill in the boxes so that the square root falls on or between
the numbers indicated on the number line.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


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