192 chapter 5 ■ Texture Painting
Menu Option Function
18 Restore Fades out previous edits.
19 Nudge Distorts the image with a brush similar to the Photoshop.
Liquify tool. Density of the distortion mesh can be controlled with
Ctrl+D to increase and Shift+D to reduce.
20 Clone This clone brush copies from the center of the orange circle.
21 Smudge A smudge brush.
22 Contrast Controls the image contrast.
23 Saturation Controls the saturation of the image.
24 Hue Controls the Hue values.
25 Intensity Controls image intensity.
26 Paint Paints onto the image.
Now that we have an overview of how SpotLight works, let’s use it to paint a model.
Follow these steps to add some color texture using SpotLight:
- Load the DemoHead ZTool. Draw the tool on the canvas and enter Edit mode.
Change to the Basic Material. Center the head on the screen and add a few subdivision
levels to support the polypaint detail you are about to apply. - From DVD folder \sourceImages_forSpotLightload, load one of the reference photos.
Click the Add To SpotLight button. Select the photo again, then load the remaining
photos into SpotLight. With the first photo selected, the whole series will load into the
SpotLight tool. Click the Tile Unified button to tile the images together on the side of
the screen. - Select the front view image and place it over the head. I use the corner of the eye as a
guide to line up and scale the image until it is close to the correct size. Place the orange
circle over the corner of the eye and line the photo up to the model. Scale from this point
(Figure 5.58). Remember you can use the opacity slider to make it easier to see the model
through the texture image. - Turn Opacity down so the image is barely visible. Dial up the Fade control so the SpotLight
will feather when you enter Projection mode. With the opacity down you can see the effect
this will have. This control will project a “spotlight” of texture with your brush as you
paint. This is how SpotLight got its name (Figure 5.59). - You are now ready to enter Projection mode. Press the Z hotkey and you will see your
brush now projects a circle of texture based on the image you just placed (Figure 5.60).
Select the Standard brush and make sure that only RGB is activated on the brush—ZAdd
and M should be off. Select the DragRect stroke. Click and drag from the center of the
head and you will see the texture reference apply as polypaint data. - This applies an overall texture to the face. We will now zoom in for more detail. Center
the eye on screen and press Z to exit SpotLight. Using the same techniques as before, scale
the eye texture source to line up with the eye of the model. Press Z to enter Projection
mode. Change the stroke to Freehand and brush around the eye area. Repeat this process
for the mouth.
Table 5.5: Parts of the SpotLight (continued)