Samsung Rising

(Barry) #1


Long-haired and red-bow-tied Jared Leto—another nominee for Best
Supporting Actor, for his role as an HIV-positive transgender woman in
Dallas Buyers Club—bolted in from somewhere across the auditorium and
stuck his face in front.

The rowdy thirteen celebrities were talking over one another, making
faces, one raising a fist, another sticking out a tongue and inciting minor
chaos. Ellen stuck out her smartphone and struggled to get a decent frame.
Then Jennifer Lawrence chimed in.

“Somebody should just drop a boob if we want it to be retweeted this
many times!”

“Meryl...” Ellen turned to Meryl Streep for help, unable to fit everyone
in the frame.

“Drop a boob, somebody drop a boob,” repeated Channing Tatum.
“Meryl. Meryl...”
“Want me to do it?” asked Meryl.
“Here, I’ll do it,” said Bradley Cooper.
“No, Meryl. Can you take it, Meryl?”
“I’ll drop a boob. It’s fine, I swear,” announced Tatum.
“What does that mean, drop a boob?” asked Julia Roberts.
“Meryl, can you take it? I can’t get everybody in here.” Meryl reached
out for Ellen’s phone but failed to grab it.

“All right,” Tatum interrupted. “I got a boob. I got a boob.”
“Is my arm further?” Jennifer Lawrence said as she lunged at the
Galaxy Note and missed it.

Bradley Cooper, kneeling at the front of the group, took charge in the
chaos. “My arm’s probably better,” he said.

He reached up and nabbed the phone out of Ellen’s hands. “Here we
go,” Cooper said, in firm control of the phone.

“Hey, that’s good! Look at us,” said Ellen, looking at the frame with a
nod of approval. The crowd went silent as the celebrities squeezed into the
picture, except for Jared Leto, who only managed to get the left half of his
face in.

“That’s it. Ready? Ready?” said Cooper.
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