
(singke) #1
Many engineers like to EQ their reverb
and add saturation to it. This is easily
done in Nectar 3. Open a Reverb module
(by pressing the + button and selecting
Reverb). If you’re working on a mono
vocal track and want stereo reverb, open
Nectar as a mono-to-stereo instance.


To apply pitch correction to a vocal
track, open the Pitch module, and
select a setting for the vocalist’s register,
the song key, and whether the pitch
corrector targets a Major, Minor or
Chromatic scale. The Custom option
opens a keyboard for specifying the notes
targetedbythecorrection algorithm.


The De-esser module is a compressor
that targets the frequency range at
which sibilance occurs. You get two
parameters: Frequency and Threshold.
Dragging the circular handle at the top of
the vertical line left and right adjusts the
filter cutoff frequency.


With the Reverb selected, drag the
nodes in the frequency graph to
adjust the High-Pass and Low-Pass Post
filters, and the Bell Filter in the center. If
you want to filter your reverb, try the
famous Abbey Road settings: set High-
Pass to 600Hz and Low-Pass to 10kHz.


Click the Correction button in the
centre of the screen to turn on the
correction. You’ll see the circular centre
section – the Tuner – start to move: when
it’s applying correction to an ‘off’ note, the
disc moves to one side or the other, with
the yellow area indicating the amount of
correction being applied.


The Threshold determines the volume
level at which attenuation is applied in
the selected frequency range. Drag the
Threshold handle up and down to change
it. The lower the Threshold, the more
signal will be attenuated.


The Reverb module has its own
adjustable Saturation control, along
with Pre-Delay, Decay (time) and (stereo)
Width. For the former, dial it in a bit at a
time and hear the impact it has on the
reverb. You may not want to use this all
the time, but it can be a cool effect.


The Strength control determines how
strictly the pitch is corrected, and
Speed sets how fast off-pitch notes are
brought to the pitch centre. For natural
results that don’t sound pitch-corrected,
back off the Speed control first. If that’s
still not transparent enough, dial back the
Strength knob as well.


You only want the de-esser to take out
the sibilance, not attenuate the vocal
itself. The Listen feature lets you hear only
the signal being attenuated, which helps
when adjusting the frequency and
threshold. The meter below shows how
much attenuation is being applied.


Step by step 4. Filter and Saturation on Reverb

Step by step

  1. How to use Pitch Correction

Step by step

  1. Eliminating sibilance with the De-esser module

July 2019 / ComputermusiC / 59

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