what kinds of weddings we wanted four days after we made things official,”
she says. (Cue wedding-planning montage.) “I hate that typical cliché of ‘when
you know, you know,’ but it’s so fucking true. At least it was for me.”
No couple is perfect, even the ones in a real-life rom-com. Except maybe
this one? Sarah and Wells have never had a fight fight, she says on ref lection,
which sounds like the sort of thing some, um, women’s magazine would call a
red flag. They still haven’t had a “major blowout” in their nearly three years
together. Wells is a communicator, Sarah explains, a role she’s used to playing.
“This is the first time I’ve been in a relationship where I’m like, How am I the
Adams, he of season 12 fame, was
cute. So she tweeted about him.
This is when the freeze-frame
drops and a voice-over says: “And
that’s how our love story began.”
Wells slid into her DMs, which
turned into text messages,
which turned into voice memos,
which eventually turned into
actual calls, which turned into
FaceTimes and, finally, an IRL
date. “It’s the most millennial
thing in the entire world,” Sarah
says. “I kind of want to gag at it.”
The rest of their rom-com—you
know, the one where the protago-
nist makes eyebrow-raising moves
that in real life would scare some-
one away—goes like this: They
went on all of two dates before she
had to undergo her second kidney
transplant, but Wells flew from
Nashville to L.A. to see her on
weekends while she was in recov-
ery, even though all her family
was there. (Imagine meeting your
S.O.’s parents on your third date.
Imagine meeting your S.O.’s par-
ents before they’re officially your
S.O.) A month into dating, they
were literally telling each other
they were falling in love. (Which,
yes, is exactly what happens on
The Bachelorette.) (Bachelorette
but make it Grey’s Anatomy.)
If you think Sarah was waiting
for a rose though, lol: “I asked
him when he was going to ask
me to be his girlfriend,” she says.
“I’m impatient.”
Things only ramped up from
there. “We were talking about
Vera Wang Bride gown.
Yvan Tufenkjian earrings.
Victoria Grant hat. Beats
Solo3 Wireless headphones.
Hair: Ryan Richman at Starworks
Artists using Suave
Professionals. Makeup: Allan
Avendano at Starworks Artists
using Chanel Les Beiges.
Manicure: Thuy Nguyen at
Starworks Artists using Essie.
Props styled by Bette Adams
at Mary Howard Studio.
Production: Crawford