- Swap out the
bright fluorescent
bulb in my bedroom’s
lighting fixture for a
warmer one and add a
candle to my bedside
table for a bonus moody
glow (LED candles
count, if you’re worried
about burning down
your house). “You don’t
need strong, invigorat-
ing light because you
don’t work in here,”
Potter explained. Makes
2. Add some
plant-mom vibes
to my bedroom to
promote good health.
This was a perfect
excuse to finally put up
the banana-leaf sticky
So! Apart from setting
my h air o n f ire w h e n I f irs t lit
the candle (don’t ask), my
new lighting sitch makes my
bedroom feel like a womb in
the best, least-weird way.
My eyeballs are so happy to
relax after working in a blin-
dingly bright office all day.
To amplif y my new
sheets’ vibes, Potter told
me to visualize a purple
light surrounding me before
bed. I def haven’t reached
t his k in d o f p e a k m e dit a t io n
yet, but it is a nice daily
re min d e r t o t a ke s o m e
deep breaths.
And when I was rushing
to get to Spin class one
m o r nin g, a g l a n c e a t my
yellow teapot reminded me
t h a t lif e wo u l d g o o n if t h e
ins t r u c t o r (w h o s c a re s m e)
reprimanded me. The pink
peonies in my doorway
had a similarly uplifting
effect. Their perfume even
overpowered my scented
garbage bags, which I hate
but bought accidentally and
have to use up. Best of all,
my wallpaper has me
feeling like I’m living in
Margaritaville, population:
one very chilled out moi.
wallpaper I’d ordered
forever ago.
- Exchange my
white sheets for a
dreamier color like pur-
ple, silver, or light gray. - Leave soft-
pink flowers in
my entryway. They
would greet me with
sweetness as soon as
I walked through the
door. - Buy my kitchen
a yellow tea ket-
tle. My 5 a.m. morn-
ings would be that
much brighter with a
dose of sunny hues.
The first part of May has you stuck at
home feeling lonely. By mid-month, tho,
your love life comes to, er, life. Sadly
(meep), that could mean you’re fighting
with bae. Free advice: Try to be flexible!
You’ve been dropping toxic friendships
all year, and now you’re reassessing
your BFFs. It sucks to say goodbye, but if
it’s not healthy, let it go. DW, there are
plenty of fish in the sea. (Sorry, had to.)
I’d still
take a
new couch