du Soleil and Feld Entertain-
ment, which produces the Juras-
sic World Live tour and Marvel
Universe Live!, pink-slipped over
6,000 employees between them,
representing 90% of their collec-
tive workforce. On March 20, talent
agency Paradigm furloughed over
200 employees. Right now, at least,
there aren’t any jobs in the concert
business that need filling. “There
is no opportunity for work,” says
Gregg Perloff, CEO of Berkeley,
Calif.-based indie promoter Anoth-
er Planet Entertainment, “so people
who lost their jobs aren’t going to
be able to find work elsewhere.”
With virtually all live events
canceled or postponed through at
least July, the industry as a whole —
which, before the pandemic, had em-
ployed 50,000 salaried and contract
employees and 200,000 part-time
and seasonal workers — could be on
track to lose $10 billion to $12 billion.
Live Nation and AEG, which
together control about three-quar-
ters of the concert business based
on ticket revenue, have both the
resources to weather the economic
fallout and the kind of scale that will
allow them to mitigate it. They have
the bargaining clout to get the best
deals possible, to the point where
they can get very different terms
from agencies, and the acts they
represent, than their indie-promoter
Right now, when so much revenue
is tied up, the most important terms
involve the guarantees that promot-
ers give acts — especially how much
is due when the performance is
scheduled compared with when it
takes place. Already, Live Nation and
AEG pay less upfront, partly because
agencies know they’re well capital-
ized. Smaller promoters pay more,
which means more of their capital is
already tied up in concerts that have
been postponed. It’s hard for them to
borrow money right now, so agencies
are asking for more upfront than
usual, for fear of cancellation.
It’s a vicious cycle: the more
money they need for advances, the
less financial stability they have; the
less financial stability they have, the
more money they need for advances.
And it’s creating a liquidity crisis
that couldn’t have come at a worse
time. Promoters that have gone
without revenue for several months
need to book as many shows as pos-
sible, even as agencies are asking for
the kind of advance payments that
makes that impossible.
“Most indie promoters operate
brick-and-mortar venues and hav-
ing to totally shut down will have
a devastating effect on their staff
and partners,” says Rev. Moose, the
co-founder and managing partner
of media and marketing firm Ma-
rauder, which organizes Indepen-
dent Venue Week. Worse, he adds,
those who are betting that future
shows will enable them to rebound
“are facing impossible demands
from agents.” Stephen Chilton, the
owner of Psyko Steve Presents in
Arizona, says his earning potential
from future shows has been pushed
out months without any new
money coming in.
Live Nation and AEG have differ-
ent size venues all over the world,
“but independent operators have
to fill their venues five to six nights
a week,” says Steve Sternschein,
managing partner of Austin-based
indie promoter Heard Presents,
who’s faced with laying off employ-
ees after the cancellation of SXSW
wiped out a slate of over two dozen
shows at the two Austin clubs he
owns, Empire Control Room & Ga-
rage and The Parish. With so much
money locked up, some in deposits
and some with ticketing companies,
“the cash you had available to book
20 nights per month can now only
cover deposits for five shows.”
When the concert industry does
open for business again, Live Nation
and AEG will have the smoothest
path forward. But that could disrupt
the rest of the business. In the long
run, fewer indie promoters would
PREVIOUS SPREAD Globe Theatre, Hollywood
Pantages Theatre, Teragram Ballroom, Fonda
Theatre, The Regent, Theatre at Ace Hotel, Greek
Theatre, Orpheum Theatre and El Rey Theatre
photographed by Brian Guido on March 17 in
Los Angeles. The Wiltern photographed by
Lindsey Byrnes on March 16 in Los Angeles. Radio
City Music Hall and Beacon Theater photographed
by Matt Salacuse on March 17 in New York.
Exit/In and Robert’s Western World photographed
by Kyle Dean Reinford on March 17 in Nashville.
Brooklyn-based SKH
Media co-owner Keith
Hagan had to shift entire
tours in an attempt to
dodge the outbreak.
Management is like every other
point on the music business
food chain: a disaster. I’ve been
spending most of my days
moving tours to the fall. If this
business gets up off the mat in
the summer, it’s going to be fa-
tiguing getting back into things.
People are going to be financial-
ly hurting. Running out to buy
concert tickets or a T-shirt isn’t
going to be first on the list.
The tipping point for me was
when I saw Italy get locked
down. When I saw that, I was
like, “We need to take evasive
action.” And now everybody’s
trying to move their stuff. You
have what would have been 12
months of the concert busi-
ness trying to cram itself into
a three- or six-month window
— it’s a mess. I don’t know
anybody who’s not [taking a hit
financially]. All of our artists are
touring artists. There’s plenty
of tour managers or techs or
merch sellers I talk to, and their
entire livelihood is being on a
tour bus. I’m an asthmatic, so
I’m being overly cautious. Luck-
ily, [managers] can do our jobs
from our house, our office or a
hut in Guam.
We’re all in the same boat,
horrified by what’s happening.
We’ve never seen anything like
this in our lifetime. You try to
make the best out of a bad situ-
ation. I mean, I have a job still.
Income is drastically affected by
it, but you have to kind of press
on to do right by your artists
and to plan ahead for eventually
when there’s a break from this
— and relief.
Over the next two weeks,
we have 13 or 14 shows we
have to reschedule [for the
500-capacity Lodge Room
in Los Angeles]. We’ve
been able to reschedule
about half of them. It’s
a work in progress. In a
perfect world, we would
reschedule for the moment
that we’re allowed to do
shows, but these bands are
playing all over the country
and the world.
When people look at it
from afar, they see, “Oh,
Coachella canceled,” or
“Ultra canceled.” But they
forget about how it affects
the independent venue
and tour managers and
bartenders and security
guards. It is this whole net-
work that is being propped
up by the assumption that
artists and venues are go-
ing to be able to operate.
This is people’s fucking
livelihood at stake.
When you hear that
South by Southwest has to
cut a third of their staff or
Big Ears is canceling and
they don’t know if they can
come back, those are major
institutions. So obviously
this is going to have a pretty
profound impact on the
littler guys. I hope every-
one has some sort of piggy
bank or rainy day fund they
can tap into. Not having 15
shows that you depend on
is unimaginable.
As venues, a lot of the
time we are battling each
other for the same shows
and from what I have seen
a lot of in the past week
from fellow bookers or
agents, it feels like we’re
all on the same team. It’s
actually really cool to see
this community come to-
gether and try our best to
weather this storm and be
positive and just be there
for each other. It has been
kind of heartwarming.
For independent venue
employees like the
Lodge Room’s Raghav
Desai, an unimaginable
situation could have
a silver lining.
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