Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1


Box 1.2: National Communication Association, Credo for Ethi-
cal Communication. Copyright © 1999. Reprinted by
permission of the National Communication Association.
All rights reserved.
Figure 2.4: “Assessing Our Perceptions of Self ” adapted from
Competent Communication, Second Edition, Dan O’Hair
et al. Copyright © 1997 Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Figure 3.1: “The Abstraction Ladder” adapted from Competent
Communication, Second Edition, Dan O’Hair et al.
Copyright © 1997 Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Table 4.1: “The Power of Eye Contact” adapted from Success-
ful Verbal Communication: Principles and Applications,
D. Leathers (New York: Macmillan, 1997). Reprinted with
permission of Pearson Education.
Figure 4.2: “Zones of Personal Space” from Competent Commu-
nication, Second Edition, Dan O’Hair et al., Copyright ©
1997 Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Table 6.1: “Listening Goals” from Competent Communication,
Second Edition, Dan O’Hair et al. Copyright © 1997
Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Table 7.1: “Family Communication Qualities” from John
Caughlin, “Family Communication Standards: What
Counts as Excellent Family Communication, and How Are
Such Standards Associated with Family Satisfaction?” from
Human Communication Research 29 (2003): 5–40.
Table 7.3: “Romantic Relational Termination Strategies”
adapted from D. J. Canary and M. J. Cody, Interpersonal
Communication: A Goals-Based Approach Copyright ©
1994 Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Figure 9.1: “Complexity of Group Relationships” from Com-
petent Communication, Second Edition, Dan O’Hair et al.
Copyright © 1997 Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Figure 11.1: “A College or University System” from Compe-
tent Communication, Second Edition, Dan O’Hair et al.
Copyright © 1997 Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Page 338: Sarah Jane Blakemore, The Mysterious Workings of the
Adolescent Brain, TED Talk.
Page 339: Ricky Martin, Remarks at the Vienna Forum.
Reprinted by permission of the Ricky Martin Foundation.
Ricky Martin, President and Founder.
Page 340: Jim Valvano ESPY acceptance speech, March 4, 1993.
Reprinted by permission.
Table 12.1: “Personal Interests Topics” adapted from A Speaker’s
Guidebook, Third Edition, Dan O’Hair et al. Copyright ©
2007 Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Figure 12.1: “An Example of the Web of Associations Produced
by Clustering” adapted from Competent Communication,
Second Edition, Dan O’Hair et al. Copyright © 1997
Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Table 13.1: “Useful Signposts” from A Speaker’s Guidebook,
Third Edition, Dan O’Hair et al. Copyright © 2007
Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Table 13.3: “Useful Delivery Cues” from A Speaker’s Guide-
book, Fifth Edition, Dan O’Hair et al. Copyright © 2012
Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Page 406: Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety adapted
from McCroskey, J. C. (1970). “Measures of communication-
bound anxiety.” Speech Monographs, 37, 269-277.
Table 15.2: “Types of Informative Speeches, Sample Topics,
Informational Strategies, and Organizational Patterns” from
A Speaker’s Guidebook, Third Edition, Dan O’Hair et al.
Copyright © 2007 Bedford/St. Martin’s.


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