4 April/5 April 2020 ★ † FTWeekend 7
Manolis Glezos carved out a niche in
2 0th-century European history on the
strength of one bold act of defiance
against Greece’s Nazi occupiers during
On the night of May 30 1941, he and
his friend Apostolos Santas, both aged
18, tore down a giant swastika flag flying
The pair made a successful getaway
while a group of German soldiers were
drinking and singing nearby, celebrat-
ing the Third Reich’s capture of the
island of Crete. Glezos gave his mother a
square of the ripped cloth to explain
Coming only a few weeks after the
Germans invaded Greece, the escapade
impressed the Allied forces and became
an enduring symbol of anti-fascist
resistance. For Glezos, who has died
aged 97, it marked the start of a 75-year
On Christmas Day in 1944, Glezos, by
nist-led resistance movement EAM,
crawled through a sewer beneath the
Grande Bretagne Hotel in Athens, the
headquarters of the British military
mission to Greece, his body wrapped
October and the British government
planned to negotiate a deal with EAM’s
rag-tag army, that had stepped in to fill
the vacuum, and then re-establish the
Greek monarchy. But the UK’s credibil-
ity was fatally damaged when British
soldiers fired on demonstrators in cen-
tral Athens in early December, trigger-
ing a leftwing revolt that resulted in a
The attack was called off at the last
minute when news broke that the UK
prime minister Winston Churchill was
flying to Athens that night to broker a
deal with EAM and would stay at the
hotel. “We were standing there with the
detonator, waiting for the signal. It
“I think the EAM leaders didn’t want to
be responsible for assassinating one of
the Big Three (Churchill, US president
Franklin D Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin,
Glezos was born in 1922 on the island
of Naxos. He moved to Athens with
his family, worked in a pharmacy and
began studying for an economics
degree. But he gave up to join the resist-
ance. Later, as the editor of Rizospastis,
the newspaper of the banned Comm-
the nationalist politicians who rebuilt
the country with the help of funds from
the US Marshall plan. He survived four
death sentences (all commuted), mult-
iple spells of imprisonment for political
crimes and a battle with tuberculosis
“In prison he read and wrote con-
stantly — one of his books was an analy-
sis of the language spoken by his
guards,” says Lee Sarafi, a friend who
regularly drove him to Strasbourg when
he served as the oldest member of the
European Parliament, representing the
leftwing Syriza government. “It took
three days to get there and we’d talk all
the way. Manolis was endlessly ener-
Glezos joined the breakaway pro-
its Stalinist leaders. The division pres-
aged a shift by Glezos and like-minded
activists towards a less confrontational
politics that gained traction after the
Elected to parliament in 1981 with the
PanHellenic Socialist Movement of
Andreas Papandreou, a US-trained
began to pursue a personal dream of
uniting the country’s leftwing splinter
groups into a single progressive party.
That was unsuccessful, but he managed
to transcend party politics in his later
years. With his distinctive mane of
white hair and battered seaman’s cap,
He moved back to his home village of
Apeiranthos, winning election as com-
munity president in the late 1980s and
launched a small experiment in partici-
Everyone in the village over the age of
12 had the right to speak and vote in a
new village assembly. About 150 out of
1,000 villagers regularly took part. It
was, he said, “a much better system
than when we were just seven council-
Glezos willingly accepted invitations
from schools and local associations to
speak about the resistance. But he shied
away from talking about tearing down
the flag, preferring to recount his com-
rades’ exploits. He explained: “Back in
those days, we’d ask each other to raise
a glass and keep our memory alive if
we were executed. I’m the only one left
Kerin Hope
An incurable
optimist who
fought to unite
the Greek left
Manolis Glezos
Activist and politician
He survived four death
sentences, multiple spells
of imprisonment for
political crimes, and
a battle with tuberculosis
Glezos willingly accepted invitations
to speak about the resistance
The next stop for the pandemic
ara Mendoza sells
remote controls in El
Alto, a sprawling and
impoverished satellite
city of the Bolivian
capital, La Paz. Her mother hawks
salteñameat pies in the outdoor market
and her father drives a taxi along its
streets. Now, with armoured vehicles in
the neighbourhood imposing a lock-
down, none of her family is supposed to
“I understand the fight against coro-
navirus, but it is hard to enforce in a
place where we need to go to sell every
day in order to eat,” says the 25-year-
old, who is one of millions of Bolivian
workers struggling to survive as
the informal economy lurches to a
After weeks in which prosperous
countries from Italy to the US have bat-
tled both the pandemic and its eco-
nomic fallout, the fight against corona-
virus is moving to a new front. Across
governments with far less firepower
than their western counterparts are fig-
uring out how to keep the pandemic at
It is not clear they can do both. With
Europe and the US, the virus arrived
first, forcing a public health response,
and then — as the enormity of the crisis
struck home — a massive fiscal and
monetary injection. In much of the
developing world, the sequence has
happened in reverse, with the economic
devastation of coronavirus arriving
States that were already financially
stretched have been hit by the sudden
stop of global economic activity, depriv-
ing them of the wherewithal to mount
anything like a western-style response.
Oil exporters in Africa and Latin Amer-
ica have watched the price of Brent
ary to less than $30 this week, leaving
Emerging market assets have been
dumped on a scale never seen before.
According to the Institute of Interna-
tional Finance, foreign investors have
withdrawn $95bn from stocks and
January 21. That is four times the out-
flows in the same period after the start
As capital is pouring out, remittances
— the lifeblood of economies from the
Philippines to Nigeria — are dwindling.
Many foreign workers in western cities,
especially those working as hotel staff,
It does not stop there. With flights
cancelled, Kenyan farmers can no
longer sell cut flowers or mange touts to
Tourism has collapsed. Sites such as
Machu Picchu in Peru are closed. East
Africa’s game parks are deserted. In
Thailand, keepers say that without
tourist revenue to pay for food their ele-
India was already in a protracted
slowdown when the country’s coronavi-
rus caseload began to climb at the start
of March. But Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s abrupt decision to impose a 21-
day nationwide curfew has thrown the
Mr Modi gave no warning of the
impending lockdown, making it impos-
sible for businesses to maintain even
skeletal operations. That has ruptured
infectant. Capital Economics forecasts
that India, with its 1.4bn people, will
grow at just 1 per cent in 2020 — that
would be its worst performance in four
mean the death rate is actually higher.
Bill Gates has warned that 10m people
could die in Africa if the virus is not con-
tained, while Imperial College London
estimated the global death toll — which
at the moment is under 60,000 — would
have reached 40m had the world not
That leaves developing countries
struggling to figure out how to balance
the public health response with the risk
of economic collapse. Cyril Ramaphosa,
South Africa’s president, last week
imposed a three-week lockdown before
In Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, authori-
ties have stopped short of a full lock-
down, instead imposing social distanc-
ing and a nightly curfew. Patrick Gath-
ara, a Kenyan political cartoonist, won-
ders if a western-style shutdown is
sustainable or whether people will
rebel. “It’s all very well to say lockdown,
but what does it mean if people are
Dele Olojede, a Nigerian Pulitzer
Prize-winning journalist now living in
South Africa, says he understands the
people don’t have the wherewithal to
stockpile food and social isolation is
physically impossible,” he says. Yet he
still thinks that lockdowns of limited
He has been impressed at the deci-
siveness of the South African govern-
ment, which last week sent out a fleet of
67 shiny white coronavirus-testing vans
capable of processing results in 45 min-
utes. In Nigeria, which was quick to
snuff out an Ebola outbreak in 2014,
authorities were carefully scanning
patients at Lagos airport in February
when travellers were still breezing
Still, Ricardo Hausmann, a Venezue-
lan development economist at Harvard
University, is not holding out great
hope. “The situation in the advanced
economies is likely to be much more
benign than what developing countries
Calls for global support
Ms Okonjo-Iweala, chair of Gavi, the
Vaccine Alliance, says the health and
economic impacts are intertwined: “If
we don’t deal appropriately with the
health part, the economics are going to
She is impressed by the range of
measures mustered on her own conti-
nent, including emergency spending,
tive easing. Some African countries are
planning mobile money transfers to
“But if you look at the extent of the
measures they’ve taken, it’s about 0.
per cent of gross domestic product,” she
tries to come out of it, you need to look
of those mounted in the west — say 10
Kristalina Georgieva, managing
director of the IMF, estimates that
emerging countries may need as much
If the magnitude of the crisis for
2008, so far the international response
has been less impressive. Rich countries
have battened down the hatches as they
fight the pandemic themselves. The US
and China, the two global superpowers,
have bickered over the cause and origin
of the global spread, hampering an
The IMF has taken some action, mak-
ing $50bn available in quick-release
funds for which 85 countries have
already applied. Unctad, the UN’s trade
and development agency, is calling for
an immediate issuance of $1tn in new
special drawing rights, a proxy for for-
eign reserves, and for the richest coun-
tries to pool their allocations and make
Richard Kozul-Wright, Unctad’s
director of development strategies, says
advanced economies should see this not
as a humanitarian gesture but as an act
of self-insurance. “If the outbreak really
does catch hold in the south, there’s no
way the advanced economies will be
Vera Songwe, executive secretary of
the UN Economic Commission for
Africa, worries that food inflation could
spark riots across the developing world.
She is disappointed with the global
response. “If we need an example of
what the lack of multilateralism looks
like, we’re seeing it today,” she says. “If
Mr Hausmann says developing econ-
omies have been left in the lurch both in
terms of their ability to fight the pan-
demic and to counter its economic
impact. Even in the best of times, he
says, they are financially stretched.
“And these,” he points out, “are not the
Additional reporting by Jonathan
Across Africa, Asia and Latin America, governments with far less firepower than their counterparts in
the west are fighting to keep coronavirus at bay and their economies afloat. Some fear a catastrophe.
By David Pilling, Andres Schipani and Amy Kazmin
Even in Brazil, where President Jair
Bolsonaro has scoffed at the virus as a
mere “sniffle”, governors in regions cov-
ering 200m of the country’s 210m peo-
ple are closing non-essential businesses
Vulnerable health systems
After the economic crisis came the virus
itself. Africa, which had practically no
cases a month ago, now has more than
7,000, with clusters of infections in
almost every one of its 54 countries.
Cases in Brazil alone quadrupled in the
past week to more than 8,000. While
that is still behind Europe and the US,
the numbers are rising rapidly and pub-
lic health experts worry the pandemic
could tear through tightly packed slums
Nor do poorer countries have robust
health systems. Africa is the worst off.
average per capita of $12 a year on
according to the OECD. “Everybody is
talking about ventilators,” says Ngozi
Okonjo-Iweala, a former Nigerian
finance minister. “I hear some countries
Some experts hope that generally
younger populations will limit the
number of fatalities. Africa has a
median age of 19.4 against 40 in Europe.
Of the continent’s 1.2bn people, only
about 50m are over 60. In India, the
There is also speculation that the
virus might spread more slowly in hot
and humid climates, though evidence
for this is patchy. Set against that are the
number of people who are malnour-
ished or whose immune systems are
compromised by HIV and other condi-
tions, especially in Africa. That could
‘If we need an example of
what the lack of
multilateralism looks
like, we’re seeing it today.
If one of us has the virus,
all of us have it’
Vera Songwe, executive secretary of
the UN Economic Commission for
Africa, below
‘In shantytowns or
townships people do not
have the wherewithal to
stockpile food and social
isolation is physically
Dele Olojede, Nigerian journalist
Commuters hold on to the side of
an overcrowded passenger train in
Soweto, a few weeks before a
three-week lockdown was
imposed in South Africa to
prevent the spread of coronavirus
APRIL 4 2020 Section:Features Time: 3/4/2020 - 19: 35 User: alistair.hayes Page Name: BIGPAGE, Part,Page,Edition: USA, 7, 1