Empire Australasia - 04.2020

(WallPaper) #1


In this much-
anticipated TV
adaptation of
the dystopian
King novel,
Kinnear will
play widowed

Kinnear is
attached to
this drama
about a man
who learns
to play
Schumann on
the piano in
order to save
his marriage.

Have you ever knowingly broken the law?
I’m a terrific jaywalker. Never been caught for it.
Never busted. They’re pretty strict about it in some
cities and I’m very under the radar: surreptitious
and move quick... But that’s not a great crime story.
I’m a little disappointed in my crime story. I’ve got
to think about that.

What’s your earliest memory?
I remember taking a nap in kindergarten. My
kindergarten teacher had the kids roll out a mat
and take a nap in the afternoon, and I remember
thinking: “Ilikethis nap business.” It’s stayed
with me.

What’s in your pocket right now?
Let me see. I have one dollar, which I found on the
counter on my way out. And then I have a very thin,
lovely wallet that I got in England. I shot this movie
with Keira Knightley called Misbehaviour last year,
and I lost my wallet. I went into this Smythson
place in London and they were having a wallet sale!
Who knew? And the guy who only has one dollar in
his pocket is always looking for a sale, as you can
expect. I have it loaded up with credit cards, and
I have a little note from my daughter left over from
Father’s Day two years ago. It says, “I have to do one
thing, Dad. Love you.” Basically, if I need the car
washed or whatever, she has to do it. I’m waiting for
her to come home with the wrong boy some day,
and I’m gonna pull it out and say, “Get rid of him.”

What would you call your autobiography?
‘Pressure Is A Privilege’. I stole it from an NBA
coach who said that to me, and I always think about
it. When you’re in situations where you’re under
a little pressure — like having to play Bob Hope in
front of people, for example — it’s not anything to
be scared of, but you’re lucky. It’s a privilege.

When were you most starstruck?
It was probably meeting Jack Nicholson for As
Good As It Gets. The director [James L. Brooks] had
me come over to Jack’s house to audition. Just the
nice, relaxing environment of Jack’s living room!
I’d only done, like, two movies at the time, and Jack
is one of the all-time greats. So it stuck with me. That
and, of course, meeting Johnny Whitaker. DAN JOLIN


What is the worst smell in the world?
My ten-year-old has some sort of squishy toy that
I believe was given to her as a birthday gift, and she
will come up and unexpectedly squeeze it in my
face, because she knows the smell causes me to dry
heave. It’s horrible. It’s toxic. Man, it’s hard to top
children’s toys for bad smells.

Which movie have you seen the most?
Groundhog Day. There’s some irony in that. But
honestly, I flip around a lot and that movie more
than any other movie I’ll let play — I just can’t turn
the channel. It’s like a screensaver. Because it’s the
same gag over and over again, it doesn’t matter
whether you jump in halfway through, three-
quarters of the way...

How much is a carton of milk?
Organic in Southern California’s gonna run you
close to four dollars.

Have you ever written fan mail to anyone?
I did a talk show at NBC years ago and Johnny
Carson was just finishing his run at NBC at
the time. I wrote him a note to say how much
I respected him and how excited I was to go over
to NBC. But it wasn’t really fan mail per se... I do
remember my firstexchange as a fan. I’m originally
from Indiana and there was this actor named
Johnny Whitaker, who was in Sigmund And The
Sea Monsters— a huge star by all standards. He
came to the local mall and was pitching, I think,
J.C. Penney’s sports coats. Me and my friend lined
up to get a signed picture, and he said, “What’s your
name?” I said, “Greg.” He goes, “One G or two?”
I remember thinking, “Okay, actors are not very
smart because it’s obviously two: one at the
beginning and one at the end.” Then of course
when I got home, that was when I realised that
a silent G existed in ‘Gregg ’. It was traumatising.

Do you have a favourite joke?
Not one that I can tell for print. It would get
me in big trouble [laughs]. I’m gonna take the
Fifth on this.



joins a huge
ensemble cast
Armie Hammer
and Gary
Oldman) in this
directed drug



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