of certain plants to water sources to stun or kill fish, this is an exercise better
left to experts in plant identification. Even if you have a local teach you which
plants to use, your chances of catching fish this way are slim.
And although Tom Hanks made it look easy in Cast Away, there is
nothing easy about spearing fish. If by some lucky coincidence you find
yourself in an area where many fish congregate in a small pool, however,
consider making a barbed fishing spear. Take a long piece of wood, no more
than an inch or two (2.5 to 5 cm) in diameter. To be effective, you first have to
whittle the tip to a very sharp point. Carve a few barbs (curved upward) into
the top of the stick to prevent a fish from sliding off after you spear it.
The barbed fishing spear is made
from a long piece of wood, no more
than an inch or two (2.5 to 5 cm) in
diameter. For the spear to be effec
tive, you first have to whittle each tip
to a sharp point.
Carving a few upwardcurving barbs
into the top of your spear will pre
vent the fish from sliding off after you
spear it.
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