In a world where the technosavvy are all too used to having elec
tronic gadgets flash and beep at them, the simple compass sometimes
seems almost boring. After all, it just sits there, pointing north. Yet, simple
though it may be, the compass is the one instrument above all others that
will help you find your way out of the wilderness. Basic compass under
standing is vital to your survival.
If you can comfortably and effectively use a compass, you can stand in
the middle of nowhere, pick a destination off in the distance and be confi
dent that no matter how many obstacles lie in your path, you will get there.
Parts of a Compass
To use a compass, you first have to understand its various parts. The com
pass shown below is an orienteering compass, a very practical one when
used with a topographic map.
The compass has three basic parts:
Base plate: Shows the directionoftravel arrow, parallel orienteering lines
that are used in conjunction with a map, and the index mark.
Rotating compass housing
Orienteering lines
Magnetic needle
North pointer
Base plate
Directionoftravel arrow
Magnifying lens
Parts of a compass.
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