ike the animals, you will soon realize that nothing limits your
effectiveness in the wild more than an injury. What separates us from
the beasts, however, is that we can treat ourselves (although there is
evidence to suggest that some animals treat themselves with herbal medi
cines by eating certain plants when they have upset stomachs).
Although you have a responsibility to yourself and your travel mates
to know as much about wilderness first aid as possible, this is something
that can’t be mastered by reading a book. I strongly recommend you pre
pare for your adventure by taking a wilderness firstaid course.
Even then, for all the first aid you may know, a more important fac
tor in survival is injury prevention. All your movements should be planned,
methodical, and cautious. If you want to be a TV stuntman, go ahead and
leap from cliffs and dash across raging rivers. If you want to survive, then
protect yourself against injuries in the first place.
Your Survival FirstAid Kit
AMONG THE MOST IMPORTANT COMPONENTS of your survival kit are the first
aid items. Ensure too that you are familiar with the kit’s contents and know
how to use them. See “Survival Kits,” Chapter 2.
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