My Favorite MacGyverisms
ASMANYOFYOUKNOW, the hit TV show MacGyver (1985–1992) was based on
the exploits of secret agent Angus MacGyver, whose claim to fame was his
uncanny ability to use common items (and a Swiss Army knife) to improvise
oftencomplex devices. During the many survival ordeals I’ve experienced,
I’ve often tried to emulate MacGyver, with varying levels of success. Here is
a short list of MacGyverisms I’ve managed in the field.
Using Underwear as a Hunting Tool
Desperate to catch fish, I cut the elastic strap from my underwear, com
bined it with a common ballpoint pen and a found piece of bamboo to
make a Hawaiian sling spear.
Fishing with Gum
In the swamps of Georgia, I made a fishing lure out of a credit card that
I cut into pieces. Then I used bubble gum to make a very thick bubble,
pinched it off at the bottom, and used it as my fishing float. Had I been
successful—there are 100pound (45kg) catfish in those swamps!—I could
have enjoyed a very substantial meal.
Making Goggles out of a Snowmobile Cushion
One of the most insidious dangers in the Arctic is snowblindness. While
surviving there, I cut a strip off my snowmobile’s seat cushion to make
goggles. All I needed was a knife to make the cut. In that survival situa
tion, the goggles saved my eyes.
Purifying Water with a Plastic Bottle
In Africa, I suspended a plastic water bottle over a fire, letting the flames
just lick the bottom of the bottle but not consume it. I was able to boil
water without significantly melting the plastic.
Making a Flashlight from Car Parts
Use wire to connect the battery directly to the leads on the headlamps.
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