thought to be not quite right. To Doug Getgood, Dave Arama, and Douw
Kruger, thank you so very much. You saved me from a couple of blunders
and some forgetfulness, helping to make this book the best it can be.
Along the way, I have learned so much from some great people in the
field and often had my preconceived notions changed forever. Thank you
to “Desert” David Holladay, Mike Kiraly, Allan “Bow” Beauchamp, Brian
Brewster, Charlie Ford, Belly John, Frank Gagliano, Belize Sailing Char-
ters, Lee Gutteridge, Koos Moorecroft, Raphael Gunduza, Douw Kruger,
Ngaa Kitai, Dave Reid, Sam Omik, Jim Yost, Tomo, Kinta, Anna, Ippa, and
Duey (from the Amazon rain forest), Ron Durheim of Alaska Aquatics, Fred
Rowe and Frank Yamick (my very first teachers), Matt Graham, John and
Geri McPherson, Robert J. Wilson, Gino Ferri, Ernie and Donna Nichols of
Huron Air, Wes Werbowy, and Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht.
Sue, Raylan and Logan: You have put up with my absence, which
was a hard sacrifice. You have feared for my safety. You have created an
environment that nurtured and cared for me greatly during many times
of stress and challenge. Raylan and Logan, I know it’s really hard to under-
stand a dad who is away on adventures so much, but I miss you every
single moment. You are the lights of my life, and I love you more than
A special thanks to my “team.” Wendy Turner: I am there for you and
you are there for me—it’s a beautiful thing; Beth Cavanagh, Andy Peter-
son, Max Attwood, Andrew Sheppard, Parres Allen, Barry Farrell, and Dan
Larade: I have constantly felt bolstered and supported by you all and am
very proud to call you my friends. Now “get back to work!”
Luke Despatie, for cover design and so much more—thank you so
very much.
Also a nod of thanks to the Survivorman gang, who have fought hard
through the challenges of making that series: Dave Brady, Seaghan Han-
cocks, Barry Clark, and Dan Reynolds. And none of it would have happened
were it not for the first acceptance by Jane Mingay and Jane Gilbert of
Discovery Canada and Anna Stambolic of OLN. Thank you, Patrice Bail-
As always, thanks, Mom. And thanks to my sister, Laura. A very special
thank you to Peter Dale, whose faith in me got me into of all this in the first
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