boreal forests home survival kit, 357–58
clothing for, 297 personal survival kit, 353
fire considerations in, 136 vehicle survival kit, 355
food in, 208 chemical lights, 58
hazards in, 270 chimney, making a, 103
shelter in, 168–69 chlorine, 87
survival kit for, 31 Clement, Jonathan, 49–50
travel and navigation in, 245–46 climate, 220, 278–79. See also weather
water considerations in, 90 clothing,
boredom, 50–51 dangerous, 292
boulder, 170 extra, 293
bowhunting, 49 keeping it dry and clean, 292–93, 302–3
bowline knot, 326, 327 making, 34, 293–94, 296
burns, 307 maintaining, 282–93
butane lighters. See lighters protective, 265–66
butterfly sutures, 24 regionspecific considerations, 297–98
research and planning, 12–13, 287–91
traditional vs. hightech gear, 291–92
calm, staying, 42, 49–50 for vehicle survival kit, 34
canyons clothing signals, 61
clothing for, 297 clouds, 248, 280
fire considerations in, 136 clove hitch, 326–28
food in, 208 clubs, making, 327, 335, 337
hazards in, 269–70 coastal regions
survival kit for, 31 fire considerations in, 138
water considerations in, 89–90 food in, 210
weather in, 283 hazards in, 272–73
Caribbean Ocean, 91 shelter in, 176–77
carrion, eating, 207 survival kit for, 33
carry bag, making a makeshift, 221 water considerations in, 92
carrying weather in, 284
fire, 111 coconuts, falling, 272
gear, 220 coconut water, 83
people, 222, 223 cold weather, 267–69. See also clothing
cedar, 97 water considerations in, 90–91
cedar bark, 137 compass,
celestial objects as navigation tools, learning to use a, 8
240–41 making an improvised, 27, 236–38
cell phones, 34, 63, 64 parts of a, 230–31
chair, makeshift, 222 using it with a map, 232–236
charcoal, 70, 207, 315 using it without a map, 231–232
charred cloth, 117–20 conditioning, vi
checklists confidence, 251
complete survival kit, 354 control over situation, gaining, 47
firstaid kit, 356 cooking and food preparation, 186–87, 205
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