
(Wang) #1

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you do not want to be modified by any of the distortion
tools. If you turn on Show Mask in the View Options section
of the Properties panel, you’ll see a colored overlay appear
over the frozen areas. The mask is red by default, but
you can select another color from the Mask Color drop-
down menu.

Shortcut #9: Press the D key to access the Thaw Mask
tool, which is used to thaw pixels that were frozen by
the Freeze Mask tool. Simply click-and-drag the Thaw
Mask tool over the areas where the Freeze Mask tool was
applied, and now they can be modified, if necessary.

Shortcut #10: Press the A key to access the Face tool,
which has face-detection capabilities. You’ll see vari-
ous points appear as you hover the tool over different
areas of a face in your image. Click-and-drag a point to
modify that area. The corresponding slider in the Face-
Aware Liquify area of the Properties panel will change
after you drag a point.

Shortcut #11: To cycle down through the input fields in
the Properties panel on the right, tap the Tab key.

Shortcut #12: To cycle up through the input fields, hold
the Shift key and tap the Tab key.

You can add really cool special effects to images using the
Liquify filter, and just like with every tool in Photoshop, the
only limit is your creativity. As always, my advice is to play
with the tools, learn what they do, and then come up with
ways to incorporate them creatively into your workflow. n


Shortcut #2: Press the R key to access the Reconstruct

tool, which reverses any changes or distortions you’ve

applied to an image. Simply click-and-drag this tool on

the areas where you want to undo the distortion.

Shortcut #3: Press the C key to access the Twirl Clock-

wise tool, which rotates pixels clockwise when you click-

and-hold on an area of the image.

Shortcut #4: Before using the Twirl Clockwise tool, hold

down the Option (PC: Alt) key, and then click-and-hold to

twirl the pixels counterclockwise.

Shortcut #5: Press the S key to access the Pucker tool,

which you can use to move pixels toward the middle of

the brush area.

Shortcut #6: Press the B key to access the Bloat tool.

When you click-and-hold with the Bloat tool, it expands

the pixels outward from the middle of the brush cursor.

Shortcut #7: Press the O key to access the Push Left

tool, which is a really fun and useful tool when retouching

images. When you drag the tool up, it moves pixels to

the left, and when you drag the tool down, it moves

them to the right.

Shortcut #8: Press the F key to access the Freeze Mask

tool. This tool protects areas where you don’t want

to apply changes. It comes in handy when you want to

distort an area that’s close to an area you wish to remain

untouched. To use this tool, simply brush over the pixels

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