The Economist UK - 30.11.2019

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20 The EconomistNovember 30th 2019

Letters are welcome and should be
addressed to the Editor at
The Economist, The Adelphi Building,
1-11 John Adam Street, LondonWC 2 N 6 HT
Email: [email protected]
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All inclusive
The advice you gave to make
companies more diverse did
not mention people with dis-
abilities, even once (“Diversity
memo”, November 9th). As
Diversish, a satirical campaign,
puts it, “If disability is not on
your agenda, neither is div-
ersity.” Research shows that
hiring people with disabilities
confers the same kinds of
benefits mentioned in your
article: increased creativity
and innovation, improved
productivity, decreased staff
turnover and improved job
satisfaction. A report by Accen-
ture in 2018 looked at 45 Ameri-
can firms that employed the
disabled and found that they
had higher revenues and profit
margins and outperformed
their peers in terms of share-
holder returns.
Globally, one in seven
people has a disability. Yet the
employment rate for people
with disabilities is only half of
that for people without dis-
abilities, and the gap is wid-
ening. Disability is seldom
discussed in boardrooms and
executives rarely or never
discuss it in their workplace.
yazmine laroche
Canada’s deputy minister of
public service accessibility

For a “Hard-headed guide to
diversity”, you had very little to
say on what targets are needed,
or why. The supposed benefits
to companies or the reduced
groupthink are, as you admit,
unconfirmed hypotheses. And
you did not consider whether
the skills and attitudes that
businesses need are equally
common in all target groups.
rasmus fogh
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Planting the seeds
In “The lap of luxury” (Novem-
ber 9th), Les Standiford attrib-
uted the rise of Palm Beach to
the Florida East Coast Railway
line, built at the start of the
20th century. Palm Beach’s
beginnings go back a little
further. Palms are not endemic
to that part of America, but in
January 1878, a 150-tonne Span-

ish brig, theProvidencia, car-
rying a cargo of coconuts from
the Caribbean to Spain, foun-
dered soon after leaving Cuba.
It finally ran aground on the
Florida coast, spilling its cargo
along the beach. Local resi-
dents feasted off the nuts, and
then planted the hundreds that
were left over, giving the area
its palms and its name.
robin laurance

Sugar-coated wars
America’s military is in many
ways a self-licking ice-cream
cone, and this exacerbates the
problem of political account-
ability (Lexington, November
9th). It serves functions sep-
arate from whether it wins or
loses wars, or whether there is
any clear mission in the first
place. Many see the armed
forces as part of the social
safety net, providing recruits
with a sense of belonging,
discipline and educational
opportunities. Veterans serve
as mascots for citizens, poli-
ticians and sometimes them-
selves, in order to validate the
national civic culture and
patriotism. Group identities
require myths, myths require
epic struggles and heroes.
A war’s legitimacy and
efficacy matter comparatively
little. The marine corps’ birth-
day message, promulgated by
top brass in 2015, was: “You
fight for the corps first...God
may come second. Country can
come third.” How do you hold
that kind of institutional self-
idolisation accountable to any
external criteria? Voter apathy
is only part of the puzzle.
dan brendel
Oceanside, California

One way to re-establish citi-
zens’ links to the armed forces
would be to require national
service for all residents in the
age range of the previous draft.
This would apply to both sexes
and could be in either the army
or civilian service. The latter
might involve programmes
like Volunteers for America,
the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps,
and so on, as well as ideally, a
reincarnation of the Civilian
Conservation Corps from the

1930s. That programme made a
significant impact on alleviat-
ing unemployment during the
Depression and completed
many infrastructure projects.
gregory firman
Captain, United States Naval
Reserve (Ret.)
Springfield, Massachusetts

Creative writing programs
In his column on computer-
generated writing, Johnson
took a jab at a favourite punch
bag: post-modern academics
in the humanities, and how
they were fooled into accepting
handwritten bogus papers in
their journals (November 2nd).
However, Naturereported in
February 2014 how publishers
had to withdraw “more than
120 gibberish papers” in the
sciences. “Computer-generat-
ed papers” apparently found
their way into 30 published
conference proceedings be-
tween 2008 and 2013. Sixteen
appeared in publications from
Springer and more than 100
were published by the Institute
of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers. The works were
generated by scigen, a comput-
er program that three students
at mitcreated to generate fake
computer-science papers.
As a computer scientist, I
take a certain perverse pride
that computers can clearly do a
better job at generating bogus
research papers than humans.
eric haines
Somerville, Massachusetts

Johnson claimed that artificial
intelligence can’t emulate
creativity. This hasn’t been my
experience. I have used
Openai’s gpt-2 to interview
hundreds of fake humans.
Each “human” has something
important to say about their
unlived lives. True, these in-
terviews had some human
input; I edited and curated the
content myself. But this isn’t
much different from how
literature is delivered now. ai
text generators produce a lot of
meaningless dross, but so too
do humans. In both cases we
rely on humans to curate the
prose that is worth reading.
Artificial writers will occasion-
ally say something poetic or

insightful, and are worth read-
ing even if they didn’t emerge
from a human brain.
julian koplin
Research fellow at the Biomed-
ical Ethics Research Group
Murdoch Children’s Research
Melbourne, Australia

Macron’s Balkan mess
Emmanuel Macron labelled
Bosnia as Europe’s ticking
time-bomb (“Emmanuel
Macron in his own words”,
November 7th). That is in-
flammatory, unfounded and
hypocritical. Mr Macron
forgets that France is the larg-
est single source of European
fighters in Iraq and Syria.
Although there are Bosnians
who have unfortunately made
the same decision to fight,
Bosnia has imprisoned the
returning fighters. Mr Macron
was behind the recent decision
at the European Union to block
membership talks with
Albania and North Macedonia.
His statements about Bosnia
and the Balkans in general will
only serve to increase dis-
illusionment about the eu
among the Balkan countries,
and in turn further embolden
bad actors in the region and
other powers vying for influ-
ence, such as Russia, China
and Turkey.
The Balkans may well be a
problem on the eu’s doorstep,
but not for the reasons Mr
Macron highlights.
nedim bazdar

Europe “is on the edge of a
precipice,” says Mr Macron. In
the 1960s the leader of then-
communist Poland, Wladyslaw
Gomulka, proudly announced
on television that “A year ago
we were on the edge of a preci-
pice. Since then, we have made
a great leap forward.”
jerry czarnecki
La Habra, California
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