Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1

tHe iiic And tHe occuPAtion

On May 20, Bonnet was informed by the secretariat that the meetings
of the IIIC’s executive and administrative committees which had been
scheduled to take place on May 24 and 25 in Paris would be cancelled
in light of German advances in Western Europe. On June 9, 1940,
under the direction of the Quai d’Orsay, Bonnet transferred the archives
and remaining staff of the IIIC to the town of Guérande and soon after
to Bourdeaux.^33 On June 19, immediately after the Armistice, Bonnet
left Bourdeaux following which he quit France for the Free World.^34
Bonnet journeyed first to London and then to New York. During his
stay in New York, he vigorously campaigned on behalf ‘of a free France’
and served, dating from 1941, as vice-president of the committee ‘with
the eloquent name of France Forever and as an editor of the French
exile publication Monde Libre [Free World].’^35 In June 1943, Bonnet
went to Algiers at the request of General Charles De Gaulle. In Algiers,
he served as director of information in De Gaulle’s Committee of
National Liberation.^36
On the closure of the IIIC, two of its secretaries, namely, Vranek and
Oliver Jackson, left to join respectively the Czechoslovakian Army and
British Royal Air Force. Another of its secretaries, namely, Gross, found
refuge in the United States after a year-long journey via Vichy and Pau
and then via Madrid and Lisbon. Following in the footsteps of Kelsen,
Gross would pursue in the United States an academic career in the field
of international law.^37 Chalmers Wright, the former chief of its Social

(^33) Renoliet, L’UNESCO oubliée, 150.
(^34) International Studies Conference: Informal (Fourteenth) Meeting of the Executive
Committee and Members of the Conference, London, Sunday, November 18, 1945,
International Studies Conference, 1939–1945: Report by the Secretary-General, AG
1-IICI-K-I-2. See also Renoliet, L’UNESCO oubliée, 150.
(^35) ‘Henri Bonnet, Ex-French Ambassador,’ St. Petersburg Times (Florida), October 27,

  1. See also Renoliet, L’UNESCO oubliée, 151.

(^36) St. Petersburg Times (Florida), October 27, 1978.
(^37) For Jackson and Vranek’s war-time roles, see Institut Internationale de la Coopération
Intellectuelle, L’Institut Internationale de la Coopération Intellectuelle: 1925– 1946 , 294–95.
For Gross’s war-time exit from Europe and his post-IIIC career, see Vagts, ‘In Memoriam: Leo
Gross (1903–1990),’ 149–50.

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