Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1


étrangère at 54 rue de Varenne.^92 Among those attending the meet-
ing were representatives of the national coordinating committees of
Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France,
Great Britain, India, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, South
Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. The Chinese Institute
of Political Science sent an observer. International non-government insti-
tutions which were members of the conference were also represented:
The Hague Academy of International Law, the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, the IPR and the Graduate Institute of International
Studies. Zimmern’s Geneva Institute of International Studies and the
Belgian, Hungarian, Mexican and New Zealand national committees
excused their absence while the Chilean and Greek national coordinating
committees reported that were prevented from assisting at the meeting.^93
One by one, many of the national groups present gave an account of
their respective activities in recent times and of recent developments in
their respective countries in respect to international studies. For example,
Grayson Kirk, who represented both the American national committee
and the IPR at the meeting, reported that a great deal of activity had
been undertaken by the CFR in relation to the preparations for the peace
conference and in view of the creation of the United Nations organisa-
tion. Kirk pointed out that his own university, namely, Columbia, with
the assistance of the Rockefeller Foundation had established an Institute
of Russian and Far Eastern Studies, a development which he considered
very important.^94 Shanti Gupta of the Indian Institute of International
Affairs, reported that despite the strain of the war, the institute’s research
efforts had expanded, adding that these were largely devoted to the
Middle and Far East.^95
Continental European countries had less to report than some oth-
ers due to the impact of the war. Speaking on behalf of the Centre
d’études de politique étrangère, Maurice Pernot and Lévy, respectively

(^92) International Studies Conference, Verbatim report of the XIIIth Administrative ses-
sion, December 16 and 17, 1946, at the Centre d’études de politique étrangère de Paris,
IICI-K-XIV-12, UA, 5, and ‘Conférence permanente des hautes études internationales,’
Politique Étrangère 12, no. 2 (1947): 242–44.
(^93) International Studies Conference, Verbatim report of the XIIIth Administrative ses-
sion, December 16 and 17, 1946, at the Centre d’études de politique étrangère de Paris,
IICI-K-XIV-12, UA, i–iii.
(^94) Ibid., 9.
(^95) Ibid., 11.

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