
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

The names, addresses and status of your referees can be
included on a separate sheet. It is not essential to include them
when first applying for a job although it is sometimes useful
for a prospective employer to have an immediate contact.

Remember to check with your refereesbeforesubmitting
their names.

Checking for errors

◆ Sell yourself.

◆ Prepare a striking profile.

◆ Use only relevant material in your CV.

◆ List education, qualifications and jobs in reverse order –
most recent first.

◆ Remember to include your skills and achievements but
don’t overdo them.

◆ Always write legibly.

◆ Remember toaskbefore offering a referee’s name.

Practising what you’ve learnt

  1. Write two personal profiles – one for a specific job and
    one general one.

  2. Plan your CV.

  3. Write a covering letter to accompany your CV. Identify
    the post for which you are applying.

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