
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(c) Everyone had done his (her) work.
(d) The crowd was enthusiastic.

2. Adding conjunctions or relative pronouns

Althoughit was so cold, Judith decided to play tennis at the club.
Then she discovered that her tennis racquet,whichwas very old,
had a broken string.Becausethere was no time to have it mended,
she knew she would not be able to playandshe angrily threw the
racquet across the room. It knocked over a china figurinewhich
broke in half. She started to cry.Whenthe telephone rang, she
rushed to answer itbutit was a wrong number. She picked up the
broken ornament.Ifshe found some superglue, would she be able
to mend it?Beforeshe broke it, she had forgotten how much she
liked it.Asshe had nothing better to do, she decided to go to the
town to buy some glue.Whileshe was shopping, she met Davewho
invited her to a party that evening. She was thrilledasshe had been
feeling very depressed.

3. Adding phrases

(a)Flinging open the door, he hurtled into the room.
(b) He broke his legfalling off his horse.
(c) Mr Samson,a tall, elegant man, walked on to the stage.
(d)Climbing into bed, she thought about the events of the day.
(e)Bouncing her ball, the child giggled.


1. Putting in the full stops

John was furious. He stormed out of the house slamming the door
behind him. Never again would he try to help anyone. He’d gone to
Peter to offer financial aid and Peter had angrily thrown his offer
back in his face. Surely he could have shown some gratitude. Now
he would be late for work and he had an early appointment with an
important client.

2. Using commas

The sun shone down from a brilliant blue sky, the slight breeze
ruffled the long grass, the scent of roses was all around and the


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