Showing prefixes and suffixes
Aprefixis a group of letters placed in front of a root word to
change the meaning.
appear disappear dependent independent
happy unhappy script postscript
Asuffixis a group of letters placedafterthe root word. This
also changes the meaning.
beauty beautiful bright brightness
dark darkness hope hopeless hopeful
Both prefixes and suffixes will be found in most dictionaries
and they are usually followed by a list of words in which they
are used.
Using hyphens
The dictionary will also indicate where hyphens are neces-
sary but not all sources agree on their inclusion in particular
Investigating portmanteau words
Portmanteau wordsare words formed by the combination of
two other words. Lewis Carroll is credited with creating this
one in his bookAlice Through the Looking Glass.
chortle – from chuckle and snort
Portmanteau words are very popular today.
brunch – from breakfast and lunch
motel – from motor and hotel
Oxbridge – from Oxford and Cambridge