Proper Noun Adjective
Belgium Belgian
England English
France French
Spain Spanish
All adjectives relating to countries begin with a
capital letter.
Dutch Flemish
Adjectives should be used sparingly. Don’t litter your work
with them. Use them to enhance your writing. Never use
them to ‘pad’ your work. Some adjectives are grossly over-
worked. ‘Nice’, ‘good’, and ‘bad’ are examples. Find
synonyms (similar words) to replace them. If you can’t think
of one, use a thesaurus to help you. There will be more
about the thesaurus later.
Helping your verbs
Adverbsare words that qualify or modify verbs, adjectives
or other adverbs. There are various types.
Ending words with ‘ly’
Adverbs of mannerusually end in ‘ly’. They sayhowsome-
thing is done. They are formed by adding ‘ly’ to an adjective
and they contribute to the meaning of the verb. The follow-
ing list gives you some examples.
Adjective Adverb
beautiful beautifully
brisk briskly
careful carefully