Chapter 6: Creating a Dashboard
$this- > session- > set_flashdata(‘error’, Sorry, your username or password is
Notice that the verifyUser() function stores an error message in CodeIgniter ’ s flash data if there is no
match on the query. You ’ ll use these flash data to display the error in case the user mistypes her
username or password.
Don ’ t forget to add MAdmins to the list of models that get autoloaded! Simply edit the list in /system/
$autoload[‘model’] = array(‘MCats’,’MProducts’,’MOrders’,’MAdmins’);
Now that you have the table built and the corresponding model hooked up to it, it ’ s time to create a
basic verify() function in the Welcome controller.
You use the verify() function to do several things:
- First, you check to see if there are any incoming POST data.
- If there are incoming POST data, take the username and password field information and send it
to the verifyUser() function of the MAdmins model. - Once that process has run, check to see if there is a value in the userID session variable that is
greater than 0. If so, redirect the user to the admin/dashboard controller. - Otherwise, show the login view.
Here ’ s the new controller function:
function verify(){
if ($this- > input- > post(‘username’)){
$u = $this- > input- > post(‘username’);
$pw = $this- > input- > post(‘password’);
$this- > MAdmins- > verifyUser($u,$pw);
if ($_SESSION[‘userid’] > 0){
$data[‘main’] = ‘login’;
$data[‘title’] = “Claudia’s Kids | Admin Login”;
$data[‘navlist’] = $this- > MCats- > getCategoriesNav();
$this- > load- > vars($data);
$this- > load- > view(‘template’,$data);
Next comes the login view. This will be just a simple form that prompts the user for a username and
password and then posts to welcome/verify, where the entered credentials can be verified.