Chapter 8: Last-Minute Upgrades
Updating the Welcome Controller
Now that you ’ ve built the administrative tools to manage pages, tie this into the Welcome controller so
that you can display pertinent information on select pages — such as the About Us page, the Privacy
page, and the Contact page.
Open the Welcome controller in a text editor, and scroll down to the end, where you should see three
stub functions for about_us() , contact() , and privacy(). You ’ re going to delete those three and
replace them with a single function called pages(). Why? Because it makes no sense to give Claudia
unlimited capability to create new pages, but no way to add those pages except through hard - coded
controller functions.
Here ’ s what the pages() function will look like when you ’ re done:
function pages($path){
$page = $this- > MPages- > getPagePath($path);
$data[‘main’] = ‘page’;
$data[‘title’] = $page[‘name’];
$data[‘page’] = $page;
$data[‘navlist’] = $this- > MCats- > getCategoriesNav();
$this- > load- > vars($data);
$this- > load- > view(‘template’);
Figure 8 - 4