Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

  • ■CHAPTER 4 Exceptions

    • Implementing Exceptions

      • Exception Elements

      • Extending Exceptions.

    • Logging Exceptions

      • Logging Custom Exceptions

      • Defining an Uncaught Exception Handler.

    • Exception Overhead

    • Error Coding

    • Type Hinting and Exceptions

    • Rethrowing Exceptions

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 5 What's New in PHP

    • PHP Installation

    • Unicode in PHP

      • Unicode Semantics.

      • Unicode Collations

    • Namespaces

    • Late Static Binding

    • Dynamic Static Methods

    • Ternary Assignment Shorthand (ifsetor)

    • XMLWriter Class

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 6 Documentation and Coding Conventions PART 2 ■ ■ ■ Testing and Documentation

    • Coding Conventions

    • PHP Comments and Lexing

      • Types of Comments

      • More About Doccomments

      • Lexing.

      • Metadata

    • PHPDoc

    • DocBook ■CONTENTS ix

      • Creating an XML File for DocBook

      • Parsing a DocBook File

      • Using DocBook Elements.

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 7 Reflection API

    • Introducing the Reflection API

      • Retrieving User-Declared Classes.

      • Understanding the Reflection Plug-in Architecture.

    • Parsing Reflection-Based Documentation Data

      • Installing the Docblock Tokenizer.

      • Accessing Doccomment Data.

      • Tokenizing Doccomment Data

      • Parsing the Tokens.

    • Extending the Reflection API

      • Integrating the Parser with the Reflection API.

      • Extending Reflection Classes

      • Updating the Parser to Handle In-Line Tags

      • Adding Attributes

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 8 Testing, Deployment, and Continuous Integration

    • Subversion for Version Control

      • Installing Subversion

      • Setting Up Subversion

      • Committing Changes and Resolving Conflicts.

      • Enabling Subversion Access

    • PHPUnit for Unit Testing

      • Installing PHPUnit

      • Creating Your First Unit Test

      • Understanding PHPUnit

    • Phing for Deployment

      • Installing Phing

      • Writing a Phing Deployment Script.

    • Xinc, the Continuous Integration Server

      • Installing Xinc

      • Creating the Xinc Configuration File.

      • Starting Xinc

    • Xdebug for Debugging x ■CONTENTS

      • Installing Xdebug

      • Tracing with Xdebug.

      • Profiling with Xdebug.

      • Checking Code Coverage with Xdebug

      • Remote Debugging with Xdebug.

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 9 Introduction to SPL PART 3 ■ ■ ■ The Standard PHP Library (SPL)

    • SPL Fundamentals

    • Iterators

      • Iterator Interface.

      • Iterator Helper Functions

    • Array Overloading

      • ArrayAccess Interface

      • Counting and ArrayAccess.

    • The Observer Pattern

    • Serialization

    • SPL Autoloading

    • Object Identification

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 10 SPL Iterators

    • Iterator Interfaces and Iterators

      • Iterator Interfaces.

      • Iterators

    • Real-World Iterator Implementations

      • Parsing XML with SimpleXML.

      • Accessing Flat-File Databases with DBA

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 11 SPL File and Directory Handling

    • File and Directory Information

    • Iteration of Directories

      • Listing Files and Directories

      • Finding Files

      • Creating Custom File Filter Iterators.

    • SPL File Object Operations ■CONTENTS xi

      • File Iteration.

      • CSV Operation.

      • Searching Files

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 12 SPL Array Overloading

    • Introducing ArrayAccess

    • Introducing ArrayObject

    • Building an SPL Shopping Cart

    • Using Objects As Keys

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 13 SPL Exceptions

    • Logic Exceptions

    • Runtime Exceptions

    • Bad Function and Method Call Exceptions

    • Domain Exceptions

    • Range Exceptions

    • Invalid Argument Exceptions

    • Length Exceptions

    • Overflow Exceptions

    • Underflow Exceptions

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 14 MVC Architecture (MVC) Pattern

    • Why Use MVC?

    • MVC Application Layout

      • From the Web Server.

      • Actions and Controllers

      • Models.

      • Views

    • Criteria for Choosing an MVC Framework xii ■CONTENTS

      • Architecture of the MVC Framework.

      • MVC Framework Documentation

      • MVC Framework Community.

      • MVC Framework Support.

      • MVC Framework Flexibility

    • Roll Your Own MVC Framework

      • Setting Up a Virtual Host

      • Creating an MVC Framework.

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 15 Introduction to the Zend Framework

    • Setting Up the Zend Framework

      • Installing the Zend Framework

      • Creating a Virtual Host.

      • Bootstrapping

    • Creating Controllers, Views, and Models

      • Adding an Index Controller.

      • Adding a View.

      • Defining Models

    • Adding Functionality

      • Using the Request and Response Objects.

      • Using Built-in Action Helpers.

      • Using Built-in View Helpers.

      • Validating Input.

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 16 Advanced Zend Framework

    • Managing Configuration Files

      • The Array Approach

      • The INI Approach

      • The XML Approach.

    • Setting Site-Wide View Variables

    • Sharing Objects

    • Error Handling

    • Application Logging

    • Caching ■CONTENTS xiii

      • Caching Security Considerations

      • Caching Techniques.

    • Authorizing Users

    • Using JSON with PHP

    • Customizing Routes

    • Managing Sessions

    • Sending Mail

    • Creating PDF Files

      • Creating New PDF Pages.

      • Drawing on PDF Pages.

    • Integrating with Web Services

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 17 The Zend Framework Applied

    • Module and Model Setup

      • Conventional Modular Directory Structure

      • Model Libraries and Zend_Loader

    • The Request Cycle

    • Creating Plug-ins

    • Creating Helpers

      • Writing Action Helpers

      • Writing View Helpers

    • Implementing Access Control

    • Using a Two-Step View

      • Creating a Master Layout.

      • Using Placeholders.

    • Just the Facts

  • PART 5 ■ ■ ■ Web 2.

  • ■CHAPTER 18 Ajax and JSON

    • JSON and PHP

      • The JSON Extension.

      • JSON in the Zend Framework.

    • JSON and JavaScript

      • The XMLHttpRequest Object

    • Some Ajax Projects xiv ■CONTENTS

      • GET Requests

      • POST Requests

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 19 Introduction to Web Services with SOAP

    • Introduction to the PHP Web Services Architecture

    • Introduction to WSDL

      • WSDL Terminology.

      • A WSDL File.

    • Introduction to SOAP

    • Using the PHP SOAP Extension

      • SoapClient Class Methods and Options

      • SoapServer Class Methods and Options

    • A Real-World Example

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 20 Advanced Web Services

    • Complex Types

      • A Complex Type Example

      • Class Mapping.

    • Authentication

      • HTTP Authentication.

      • Communicated-Key Authentication

      • Client-Certificate Authentication.

    • Sessions

    • Objects and Persistence

    • Binary Data Transmission

    • Just the Facts

  • ■CHAPTER 21 Certificate Authentication

    • Public Key Infrastructure Security

      • Certificate Authority

      • Web Server Certificate.

      • Client Certificate.

      • Root CA Certificate

    • Setting Up Client Certificate Authentication ■CONTENTS xv

      • Creating Your Own Certificate Authority.

      • Create a Self-Signed Web Server Certificate.

      • Configuring Apache for SSL.

      • Creating the Client-Side Certificates

      • Permitting Only Certificate Authentication.

      • Testing the Certificate

    • PHP Authentication Control

      • Binding PHP to a Certificate.

      • Setting Up Web Service Authentication

    • Just the Facts

  • ■INDEX

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