Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

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data that has been provided specifically by the controller. Typically, this means limiting your-
self to displaying arrays, not data objects, when operating in the view.
The choice of templating language is your own, depending on whether it can be integrated
with your framework. Personally, I find that plain PHP makes for the best templating language
when working in MVC environments. FastTemplate and Smarty are viable second choices.
Criteria for Choosing an MVC Framework
Every MVC framework has certain advantages and certain downsides. You should consider five
key factors when choosing a framework to use: architecture, documentation, community, support,
and flexibility. I suggest that you sit down and score all the frameworks you are considering
using these criteria, and then pick the most appropriate one for you.

Architecture of the MVC Framework.

Every developer is different. What makes sense to one developer might be totally illogical to
another. You should choose a framework that you understand. I have met far too many distressed
developers using a complicated MVC framework because they have heard about all the benefits
it may provide. I assure you that without an architectural understanding of your framework, it will
hinder, not help, your development. Choose one that you are comfortable using.
You should also consider whether you want a framework that follows a linear function and
callback style or an object-oriented approach. Personally, I prefer the latter because the concept of
encapsulation really works wonders with model classes.
You will need to understand the framework’s technical requirements and file structure,
so that you can be sure it will work effectively with your deployment procedures. For example,
some frameworks have very backward-compatible APIs, whereas others do not even attempt
to maintain backward compatibility. There are valid arguments for both approaches. Choose
the one that works for your organization.

MVC Framework Documentation

All frameworks come with documentation, and that’s where the similarities end. Documentation
can be as simple as an install file, or as complex as formal training courses.
When I look at a framework’s documentation, I ask three key questions:

  • Is it current? Documentation is useless if it’s talking about a version that you are not
    using. Ensure that the version you download is the version that is documented.

  • Is it clear? Is the documentation well written and easy to understand? If you can’t under-
    stand what it is trying to say, move on.

  • Is it complete? Is the documentation comprehensive? Does it cover everything in the
    framework or just the basics? All too often, you will get a combination of great introduc-
    tory documentation and machine-generated advanced docs.

Good docs are essential to meeting deadlines and keeping costs down. Page 204 Thursday, February 28, 2008 7:44 AM

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