Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

(^330) ■INDEX
array overloading
ArrayAccess interface, 130–131
counting and ArrayAccess, 131
SPL, 179–188
ArrayAccess, 179–180
ArrayObject, 180–182
building SPL shopping cart, 182–184
overview, 179
using objects as keys, 184–187
array type, 299
array xdebug_get_code_coverage( )
function, 123
ARRAY_AS_PROPS flag, 211
array_merge( ) method, 147
ArrayAccess, 179–180
counting and, 131
exceptions, 189–198
Bad Function and Method Call
Exceptions, 192
Domain Exceptions, 192
Invalid Argument Exceptions, 194
Length Exceptions, 194–195
Logic Exceptions, 189–191
Overflow Exceptions, 195–196
overview, 189
Range Exceptions, 193–194
Runtime Exceptions, 191–192
Underflow Exceptions, 196–197
ArrayIterator, 144, 146, 161, 187
ArrayObject, 180–182
ArrayObject class, 180, 182, 188, 211
constant, 181
ArrayObject::STD_PROP_LIST constant, 181
/articles controller, 267
asort( ) method, 181
async method, 279
async parameter, 279
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. See Ajax
attach( ) method, 132
Attribute class, 100
Attribute type, 100
attributes, 58, 99, 102
authentication, 305–306
AuthenticationTest, 112
__autoload( ) function, 137, 138
autoloading SPL, 137–140
AWSAccessKeyId Id parameter, 295
AWSAccessKeyId ID token, 306
BadFunctionCallException class, 192, 198
BadMethodCallException class, 192, 198
base class, 3
base64binary XML Schema type, 309

element, 117
binary data transmission, 309–311
Bindings tag, 286
blockquote tag, 70
bookinfo element, 67
bookinfo node, 63
bookinfo tag, 67
bool $associative parameter, 274
bootstrap file, 203
bootstrapping, 207–208, 217–219
BREAK_CHAIN metacommand, 232 Page 330 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM
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