Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

exceptions, 31–40
implementing, 31–35
catch keyword, 32
Exception base class, 32–34
extending exceptions, 34–35
overview, 31
throw keyword, 32
try keyword, 31
logging, 35–37
custom exceptions, 35–36
defining uncaught exception handler,
overview, 35
overhead, 37
overview, 31
rethrowing, 39
type hinting, 38–39
exceptions option, 292
exchangeArray($array) method, 181
export( ) method, 74
extending, 86–102
adding attributes, 99–102
exceptions, 34–35
integrating parser with, 86–88
overview, 86
reflection classes, 88–96
updating parser for in-line tags, 96–99
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), 62

factory convention, 24
factory( ) method, 29
factory pattern, 21
factory patterns, 23–29

FastCar class, 4
FC (front controllers), 203, 208–210
FIELDS metacommand, 232
file iteration, 172
fileperms( ) function, 165
files, searching, 176–177
<fileset> element, 117
filter parameter, 277
FilterIterator, 148–149, 156, 161, 169
find command, 216
FindFile, 168–169
findPlugins( ) function, 78
$flags parameter, 154
flags parameter, 168
FlashMessenger helper, 227
flat-file databases, accessing with DBA,
float xdebug_time_index( ) function, 123
$foo argument, 59
foo value, 137
footnote element, 70
fopen( ) function, 47
foreach loop, 133, 145, 161, 172
foreach statement, 143, 172 loops, 277
formText and formSubmit view helpers, 228
frameworks, MVC
creating, 207–212
bootstrapping, 207–208
controllers, 210–211
front controllers, 208–210
overview, 207
URL parameters, 212
views, 211–212 Page 335 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM

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