Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

(^344) ■INDEX
safe_mode function, 41
Satisfy rules, 324
scope resolution operator (::), 11, 47
SCP/SFTP (Secure Copy/Secure FTP), 322
SearchIterator, 158, 176
sect5 tags, 63
section element, 68
Secure Copy/Secure FTP (SCP/SFTP), 322
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (S/MIME) e-mail
message, 322
SeekableIterator, 152, 161
self:: class, 13
self keyword, 22
self scope, 13
SELF_FIRST class constant, 154
self-signed web server certificates, 317–319
send( ) method, 279
Serializable class, 135
Serializable interface, 128
serialization, 135–137, 311
serialize( ) method, 135
$_SERVER variable, 325
server.key file, 319
server.pem file, 319
Service tag, 287
service-oriented architecture (SOA), 180
service.php file, 291
services.pem file, 323, 326
$_SESSION array, 184
session identifiers, 299
sessions, 306–307, 308
set_exception_handler( ) function, 36,
40, 190
setClass( ) method, 308
setDefaultAdapter( ) method, 223
setFileClass method, 165
setHttpResponseCode( ) method, 226
setInfoClass method, 165
setLayout( ) method, 268
setPersistence( ) method, 308, 311
setRequestHeader(name, value) method, 279
setting up
databases, 221–222
virtual hosts, 206
Zend Framework, 215–219
bootstrapping, 217–219
creating virtual hosts, 216
installing, 215–216
setUp( ) method, 113
shopping cart, building, 182–184
SimpleXML, 158–159
SimpleXMLIterator, 161
single-line comments, 57
singleton patterns, 21–23
__sleep method, 135
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions) e-mail message, 322
SOA (service-oriented architecture), 180
SOAP, 289–290
constant, 308
constant, 308
soap_version option, 292, 294
soapaction and uri options, 293
soapAction attribute, 288
soapCall( ) method, 292
SoapClient class, 285, 290, 291–293, 306 Page 344 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM

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