Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

(^348) ■INDEX
wheel group, 216
while loop, 173
writing deployment script, 116–118
WSDL (Web Services Description Language),
file, 287–288
overview, 286
terminology, 286–287
WSDL extension, 299
$wsdl parameter, 294
Xdebug, 120–124
checking code coverage, 123
installing, 120–121
overview, 120
profiling, 123
remote debugging, 124
tracing, 121–122
xdebug_break( ) command, 124
xdebug_get_function_stack( ) method, 122
XHR (XMLHttpRequest) object, 278–279
Xinc server, 118–120
configuration file, 119–120
installing, 118–119
overview, 118
starting, 120
XML files, for DocBook, 62–63
XML, parsing with SimpleXML, 158–159
XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object, 278–279
XmlHttpRequest object, 273
XmlHttpRequest.abort( ) method, 282
event, 282
xmlns:tns attribute, 288
XMLWriter class, 41, 50–52
xsd:boolean type, 288
xsd:int type, 288
xsd:string type, 288
xsd:stringtype, 288
XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), 62
xsltproc command, 65, 67
xsltproc tool, 64
yourfile.html file, 64
yourfile.xsl file, 65
YourPrefix class prefix, 264
plug-in, 266
class, 262
Zend Framework, 215–270
built-in action helpers, 226–227
built-in view helpers, 227–228
helpers, 263–264
implementing access control, 265–267
index controllers, 219–220
models, 221–224
configuring Framework to use
databases, 222–223
creating, 223–224
setting up databases, 221–222
module and model setup, 259–261
conventional modular directory
structure, 259–260
model libraries and Zend_Loader,
overview, 215, 259
plug-ins, 262–263
request cycle, 261
Zend_Acl class, 265 Page 348 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM

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