Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1
6.1 Asymptotic Growth Rate 283

time f( 10) = 1023 is definitely acceptable; however, when the input size grows

to n = 64, it becomes unmanageable. The reason why this happens is that the

solution time f(n) = 2” - 1 grows too fast: its value doubles when the input

value increases by only one. This suggests that we measure the computational

complexity of an algorithm by the growth rate of its running time. If the run-

ning time of the fastest algorithm for a problem grows at such a fast rate,

then this algorithm (and, hence, this problem) is considered infeasible. In the

following, we present the general notations and techniques for measuring and

comparing the growth rates of different functions.

A function f( n ) is said to grout slower than a function g(n) (or, g(n) grows

faster than f(n)), denoted by f(n) 4 g(n), if

lm i f( >



n+mgo= l

For example, g(n) = n2 grows faster than f(n) = n since


lim $ = lim - = 0.

n+cm n n+oo n

The relation 4 is a partial ordering:

Proposition 6.2 If f(n) 4 g(n) and g(n) + h(n), then f(n) 4 h(n).

PT-oaf By definition, if f(n) -+ g(n) and g(n) 3 h(n), then

lim -!- f( > - lim -!- 9( > = 0.

n--m g(n) - n-+m h(n)


Iim f(^1


lim f(n) .-- g(n)
n-+m g(n) h(n) -


This means that f(n) + h(n). Cl

Two other commonly used notations are big-0 and small-o: We write

f( ) = o(g(n)) if f(n)^4 g(n), and f(n) = O(g(n)) if for some constant

Land for almost all n > 0, f(n) 5 Kg(n).’

The following sequences of functions appear very often in the study of

computational complexity:

Poly-log Sequence: {(logn)i 1 i = 1,2, l. •}.~

Polynomial Sequence: {d 1 i = 1,2, + l 0).

Subexponential Sequence: {nQ”gn)’ 1 i = 1,2, l -0).

’ “For almost all .n^2 0” means “for all but fi nitely many n^2 0.”
2 For simplicity, we denote log = log2 for the rest of this chapter.
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